Intimateconversationspodcast's Podcast

How Does Porn Addiction Affect Your Personal Relationship



What a fascinating life story that led Frank to lead his mission so fully! He did an exquisite job of sharing what it's like to live a double life, a secret life of addiction. While he was tremendously successful, he was simultaneously depressed and anxious. He very clearly expresses that porn is a drug, a dopamine hit like cocaine or meth. He has a very beautiful way of expressing how he found God and dedicated his life to supporting men ending porn addiction. He's created an incredible coaching program with tools that work, community and accountability... There's a story he tells of a man at the end that brought me to tears. He reminds us that it doesn't matter how long we've been struggling, we can succeed. You'll be riveted by this transparent intimate conversation.  --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication, and deep connection you