The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence



JOIN THE REVOLUTION!There’s never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom and make your fortune. Each week we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a 6 to 7 figure practice.The Thought Leader Revolution podcast is about establishing yourself as a thought leader around your expertise, your brand and your name. To become well known and highly regarded in the market place for the results you are able to produce for your clients.Our guests are top thought leaders who have done it. They’ve become widely known for their expertise and results they’re able to deliver for their clients. They all love what they do and get paid very well for doing it.You’ll meet entrepreneurs that have leverage thought leadership in driving business revenue, coaches that were unknown and barley making ends meet get to celebrity status and took their income way into the 7 figures, consultants that became best selling authors and built multi-million dollar firms and senior executives who followed their passion, left their day jobs and are changing the world.We want you to join us in making the difference you were born to make. We want you to 10x your impact, your income and your influence every 12 months. Steve Jobs iconic quote the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who do.People with purpose and passion are changing the world and we want you to be one of them.


  • EP78: John King - How To Focus & Make Powerful Business Decisions

    19/12/2017 Duración: 37min

    Do you have shiny object syndrome? Many entrepreneurs do. They're working away on an opportunity then when presented with a new and more attractive one they focus on that one until the next great thing comes along. At that rate, it's tough to build traction since you're alway leapfrogging. Our guest today, John King, who is the co-author of Tribal Leadership and a former ballroom dancer, believes it's by understanding your priorities that can help you concentrate on the opportunities that are truly worth your time. During this interview, you'll discover... The five levels of priority that will allow you to make better decisions How you can learn a lot about business partnerships through ballroom dancing The importance of making connections with the leaders of tomorrow To find out more about , visit

  • EP77: Russ Ruffino - Why You Should Use Premium Pricing

    12/12/2017 Duración: 37min

    How much do you charge? You see, many entrepreneurs make the mistake of selling their product or service at a low price which sometimes attracts more customers than they can handle and people who don't take their investment seriously which can ultimately lead to them becoming a nightmare to deal with. When clients are not paying much, the stakes are usually not high enough for them to care. Also, when there are too many customers to assist, your customer service quality will likely take a hit if you don't have the workforce to support them. According to our guest, Russ Ruffino, owner of Clients On Demand, the solution is to offer premium pricing for your offerings. He's found when you charge more and people see your value, they'll buy and are more willing to actually do the work. The beauty of this strategy is that not only will you be working with less clients, but you'll be associating yourself with winners, make more money and have great impact because you're helping people who are committed to getti

  • EP76: James Altucher - Why The Plus, Minus & Equal Technique Is Key To Peak Performance

    05/12/2017 Duración: 44min

    Who is in your network? Do you know what value those people bring? If you're serious about achieving a new level of excellence in your business and life, it's time to evaluate who you connect with and how those relationships can positively affect you and others. Our guest, James Altucher, who is an immensely successful podcaster, author and investor, has a technique he uses to help himself achieve goals, experience peak performance and help others. It's about knowing the Plus, Minus and Equals in your network. During this interview, you'll learn... What the Plus, Minus, Equal technique is about and how it can help with your decision making The importance of teaching your processes in a public forum Why your actions follow your intentions and why you must choose wisely To find out more about James, visit

  • EP75: Alexander Jutkowitz - How Strategic Storytelling Can Benefit Your Business

    28/11/2017 Duración: 31min

    Storytelling. It's been a part of the human experience ever since we first inhabited the Earth. There's something about telling great stories that will always touch our hearts and minds. Businesses today are realizing how telling those tales, with a plan in mind that has a defined outcome, can positively affect their profits. During this interview, our guest, Alexander Jutkowitz, who is the author of The Strategic Storyteller, will share... Why you should tell your stories with intent to make them scalable for your business Why the power of telling ongoing stories is important to remain relevant Why your content must always strive to provide wisdom, wonder and delight To find out more about Alex , visit

  • EP74: Andrew Warner - How To Stop Sabotaging Your Success

    21/11/2017 Duración: 34min

    Your inner critic. If you let it, it can run the show. Once that happens, its sheer power can leave nothing but destruction in its path. Your hopes, your dreams and your business success can all disappear if the critic persuades you to play it safe and small. However, according to our guest, Andrew Warner of the highly successful entrepreneur interview-based podcast, Mixergy, you do have a choice. During a fascinating live interview with Nicky Billou from the Fireside Conference in Bancroft, Ontario, Canada, Andrew shares the following... How asking questions can neutralize your inner critic or as Warner puts it, your “countermind” How the use of “guru beads” can keep you focused and tame your negative thoughts The importance of being aware of the ONE thing you want to do To find out more about Andrew, visit

  • EP73: Victor Menasce - Why You Should Add A Zero To Your Business

    14/11/2017 Duración: 32min

    What's your big revenue goal? Now, add a zero to it. According to our guest, real estate investing expert and author, Victor Menasce, every time he does that, it gives him an extra kick to strategically think what he needs to do to make that goal a reality. What resources will he require? What people must be in place to help him attack his deficiencies? So, if going to the next level is what you seek, adding a zero to go along with structured thinking and planning can assist you in getting there faster. During this interview, you'll learn... The value of planning for the finish and applying millimetre tweaks along the way The importance of consistency and practice applied towards your core genius Why you shouldn't force your business growth To find out more about Victor, visit

  • EP72: Peter Boolkah - Why Isolating Yourself Is Harmful To Your Business

    07/11/2017 Duración: 34min

    Loneliness. As an entrepreneur, you probably feel this sometimes especially when your business is going through some bumps. It's easy to go into a negative spiral and fall deeper into a rabbit hole when you don't have a supportive network around you. This is why our guest, Transition coach, Peter Boolkah, says you don't have to do this alone. There are great people and resources out there that can help you on your entrepreneurial journey. During this interview, you'll discover... Why you should ditch your ego and surround yourself with people who are more successful than you Why you shouldn't be afraid of investing in your own education Why having a scarcity mindset isn't helping your business To find out more about Peter, visit

  • EP71: Dr. Jason Selk - Why You MUST Discover Your Competitive Edge

    31/10/2017 Duración: 35min

    What's your ONE THING?   That quality which separates you from your competiton.   The superpower you're WORLD CLASS at.   For our guest, Dr. Jason Selk, he wanted to be the BEST sports psychologist consultant in the world.   Well, it became reality.   It happened because he created a groundbreaking Mental Training Program for athletes, coaches and eventually business people.   At one point, the word spread so wide that the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team hired him as their Director of Sports Psychology. Under his watch, the club would win two World Series titles.   During this interview, you'll discover... The importance of finding your unique competitive edge so you can become a profitable go-to expert Why it's crucial to use your expertise to create products that people actually want Why you must be open to leveraging your knowledge to different audiences to increase your revenue streams and grow your platform To find out more about Jason, visit https://www.thebusine

  • EP70: Todd Stottlemyre - Success Secrets From A World Series Champion

    24/10/2017 Duración: 44min

    Major League Baseball.   Playing on that elite level is a dream for millions of boys around the world.   However, for many of them, it remains a fantasy.   Not for former World Series Champion pitcher, Todd Stottlemyre.   He lived the dream for 14 seasons including reaching the pinnacle of success by winning two championships with the Toronto Blue Jays.   Today, as a motivational speaker and author of his new book, Relentless Success: 9-Point System for Major League Achievement, he's helping people maximize their ultimate potential so they can achieve the goals and life they truly want.   During this interview, you'll learn.. How the heartbreaking story of Todd's younger brother fuelled his fire to succeed The 9 things you need to achieve your most desired goals Why the power of NOW is crucial in building momentum for any dream you want to make into reality To find out more about Todd, visit

  • EP69: Chad E. Cooper - Why Reframing Your Language & Mindset Can Benefit Your Business

    17/10/2017 Duración: 30min

    Think about the language you use daily.   Is it encouraging or deflating?   For example, there's a big difference in saying, “I have to go work out with my family” versus “It's playtime in the gym with my family.”   Our guest, Chad E. Cooper, who is a professional speaker & author that retired from Microsoft at age 35, has figured this out.   He feels by using empowering language and changing your mindset, it can unlock your potential, help you better identify your purpose and core values which ultimately affect your business decisions.   During this interview, you'll also learn.. Why the negative stories in your head are preventing you from achieving greatness How thinking of 3 to 5 of the happiest memories of your life can help you discover your purpose Why saying the words, “One More Step” can be the difference between you quitting and achieving incredible accomplishments To find out more about Chad, visit

  • EP68: Charlie Plumb - Business Problem Solving Tips From A Former Prisoner Of War

    10/10/2017 Duración: 38min

    Distractions.   In our chaotic world today, they are everywhere.   Unfortunately, somewhere along the line we lost the importance of having solitude in our lives.   For our guest, former Navy fighter pilot and POW, Captain Charlie Plumb, time to himself was all that he had.   On his 75th mission over North Vietnam, his plane was shot down then he was captured and tortured. He spent the next 2,103 days as a Prisoner Of War in an 8-by-8 foot cell.   Throughout his nearly 6 years of captivity, he learned some powerful lessons that not only saved his life but can help you in your business today.   During this fascinating interview, you'll discover... How solitude can help stimulate creative solutions to business problems Why you should look at challenges as puzzles to complete The importance of not battling adversity alone To find out more about Charlie, visit

  • EP67: Nancy Duarte - Powerful & Profitable Presentation Tips For Your Next Talk

    03/10/2017 Duración: 36min

    You're NOT the hero. Your audience is. Our guest, Nancy Duarte, wants you to keep that in mind the next time you're presenting. She is a communication expert who has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, Wired, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Economist, LA Times and on CNN. Her firm, Duarte, Inc., is the global leader behind some of the most influential visual messages in business and culture. She believes storytelling can profoundly impact the lives of your audience and move them to action. During this fascinating interview, you'll learn... Why the structure of I tried, I failed, I tried again and I did it! is a powerful story structure to ignite change in the lives of your audience Why you must focus one big clear idea so those in attendance can full absorb its power How empathy can help you have a deeper connection with your audience To find out more about Nancy, visit

  • EP66: Charles Wilton - Fight For Your Dreams No Matter What

    26/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    Cerebral Palsy.   It's a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination and/or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth.   For those who have it, life is very hard.   But, Charles Wilton doesn't let CP hold him back from chasing his dream.   He's Canada's first adapted wheelchair boxer and is looking to become a positive example to others who are physically challenged.   He's the epitome of someone who is making the difference he was born to make.   His story is truly powerful and will no doubt inspire you.   During this interview, in which Charles' manager, Sean Morris is also in attendance, you'll learn... The horrific details of Charles' childhood and how he overcame it to live a purpose-filled life The importance of having maximum commitment and persistence when pursuing your goals It's okay to do the opposite of what others tell you sometimes To find out more about Charles Wilton, visit https://www.thebusinessofthoughtleadersh

  • EP65: Marc Von Musser - Why You Should Follow The Right Mentors

    19/09/2017 Duración: 40min

    Mistakes. We all make them. According to our return guest, Marc Von Musser, who has made over 500,000 sales calls and delivered 10,000 presentations in his career, you can either learn from your own missteps, which is painful and expensive, or you can learn from the mistakes others make and bypass decades of agony. For the second option, you can do this by hiring a mentor and/or becoming a part of an elite mastermind group of successful like-minded people. Both can help support, guide and challenge you to be the true success you are meant to be. However, there are many pretenders out there, so make sure you follow and learn from the right people. During this interview, you'll learn... To identify authentic mentors because they have lived the results you desire The importance of getting clear on your goal and how others can help you get there quicker The negative consequences if you travel on your business journey alone when you don't have to To find out more about Marc, visit https://www.thebusiness

  • EP64: Sharon Worsley - The Do's & Don'ts of Effective Networking

    12/09/2017 Duración: 31min

    Is it ONLY about YOU?   We've all been at networking events where people will promote themselves constantly without letting others share their stories. Some will also give you their business cards without barely engaging in a conversation.   It's a terrible first impression.   Our guest, business speaker and coach, Sharon Worsley (also known as The Business Development Ninja), has been on the wrong side of those interactions.   But, she's learned a lot and has come up with some tips on how you can make your next networking experience a more useful one.   During this interview, you'll learn... Why you should enter networking opportunities with a mindset of helping others How introverts can effectively connect with new business contacts Why following up is crucial after networking with people To find out more about Sharon, visit

  • EP63: Rocco Rossi - How To Become A Purpose-Driven Leader

    05/09/2017 Duración: 39min

    What motivates you to wake up?   Is there a big goal that excites you?   It's important to have purpose in life.   Our guest, the President & CEO of Prostate Cancer Canada, Rocco Rossi understands this.   It hit him like a bolt of lightning when on a business trip with his boss years ago, Rocco found out he died in his sleep in his hotel room.   At the time, his friend was 44 years old with a wife and kids.   It opened Rocco's eyes.   He began to realize he must live a life of purpose because of how unpredictably it can be taken away.   Today, with those he leads, he lives with meaning and does his best to guide them towards a common goal.   During this interview, you'll learn... How storytelling can communicate your purpose and endear your followers Why it's important to eliminate obstacles for your people so they can get work done Why you should find time to reflect and recharge yourself To find out more about Rocco, visit https://www.thebusinessofthought

  • EP62: Bruce Bowser - How To Keep Your Staff Happy & Loyal

    29/08/2017 Duración: 43min

    Your employees.   Without them, your business could be in a lot of trouble.   These days, it's tough to find great ones that are committed to your vision and want to stick around to see it through.   Our guest today, Bruce Bowser, has figured it out.   He is the president of a moving company called AMJ Campbell Van Lines and has overseen the growth of the company from $ 34 million in 1997 to over $ 200 million today.   He has some terrific tips on how you can create loyal staff that will stand by you for the long run.   During this interview, you'll learn...   Why you should create a work culture of entrepreneurship to motivate great employees to stay Why micromanaging isn't the answer to handle your staff Why it's important to treat people with dignity and respect   To find out more about Bruce, visit

  • EP61: Sarah Santacroce - How To Find Your Ideal Clients On LinkedIn

    22/08/2017 Duración: 32min

    Social media. It can be a wonderful way to connect with family and friends. But, if you're a thought leader, it can also be a great strategy to locate your ideal customers. These days the business social media of choice is LinkedIn. Our guest today has mastered the fine art of using it to attract more business for her clients. Sarah Santacroce is a Switzerland-based LinkedIn expert and owner of Simple LinkedIn Solutions. During this informative interview, you'll learn... Why your LinkedIn profile headline is important when making first impressions with prospects How you must be more strategic when growing your LinkedIn network Why you should consider creating consistent relevant content within LinkedIn for your audience To find out more about Sarah, visit. 

  • EP60: Don R. Campbell - Why Your Business Should Strive To Positively Impact Lives

    15/08/2017 Duración: 44min

    Imagine leaving millions of dollars on the table. Not everyone could do that. Our guest, Don R. Campbell did. He is a Senior Analyst with The Real Estate Investing Network (REIN) which is Canada’s most trusted real estate investment education, analysis, research and strategic leadership resource. Throughout his years at REIN, this multiple best-selling author has turned down potentially profitable real estate opportunities. Why? For him, those deals didn't align with his purpose. Don believes in being authentic and assisting others without compromising his values. As well, he feels it's meaningful to have a business that emotionally touches people's lives and creates positive change. During this engaging interview, you'll discover... The importance of creating your “Personal Belize” & how it can lead you to powerfully help others through your business Why you should work on your presentation skills to effectively communicate with your audience Why you must have integrity and make decisions that are align

  • EP59: Shep Hyken - How Disney's Customer Service Model Can Help Your Business

    08/08/2017 Duración: 43min

    Don't be fooled. Whether you're at a Disney resort or cruise, the way you're treated as a customer has been well strategized years before you even handed over your credit card number to Mickey Mouse. Our guest today, Shep Hyken, who is a New York Times best-selling author and customer service expert himself, has been paying attention and will pass on some success tips he's learned from Mickey and his friends and he'll share some from his own esteemed career as well. During this interview, you'll discover... The 3 jobs Disney employees must do well and the 2 of those you must focus on Why you shouldn't deliver an over-the-top WOW customer service experience for your clients The key ingredients to differentiate yourself as a thought leader so customers will flock to you FIRST To find out more about Shep, visit

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