The Ragged Edge Radio ....with Russ Dizdar



THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO with Russ Dizdar THE VOICE OF SHATTER THE DARKNESS Home of Theology for the 3rd millennium Home of The Black Awakening Coming end time events...are you ready??


  • ASCENDED MASTERS .......or wolves in angelic clothing

    25/10/2008 Duración: 52min

    ASCENDED MASTERS ...........or wolves in angelic clothing Who are these 'ASCENDED MASTERS' that millions are influenced by? Thousands seek they're attention and ancient wisdom. Over 30 years ago when I was a practitioner of golden Buddha meditation I was trained by a man ( Considered to be a master) that as I go passive and empty myself ancient beings, supra natural beings may come to me...........ascended masters What do they want? I was told they want to share superior wisdom and knowledge. I was also told that they might want to 'come into' my body and speak through me! Though I did try to seek them they never came to me. I realized just a few months later someone else was seeking me too, it was the Lord Jesus Christ. God was about to encounter me as I stood on the razors edge of this deep spiritual deception. Russ Dizdar


    22/08/2008 Duración: 01h14min

    THE END OF THE SEQUENCE OF LUCIFERIAN GLOBALISM, which side will you be on? Read the book of Revelation, you will be blessed if you do. This book reveals the final clash of real radical evil. Russ Dizdar

  • PART TWO STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE FROM GOD...on the sequence of the fallen cherub

    11/08/2008 Duración: 01h14min

    PART ONE STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE FROM GOD...on the sequence of the fallen cherub The Spirit of God knows every move of the dark side. All that the secret societies and shadow governments have bought into are known. Outlined in the Revelation of the Words of the Spirit of God are the pictures of current and future world events. These events will affect you and force you to choose a side. Can you discern the difference from the 'spirit of error and the Spirit of Truth' ?

  • STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE FROM GOD...on the sequence of the fallen cherub

    11/08/2008 Duración: 01h06min

    STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE FROM GOD...on the sequence of the fallen cherub The Spirit of God knows every move of the dark side. All that the secret societies and shadow governments have bought into are known. Outlined in the Revelation of the Words of the Spirit of God are the pictures of current and future world events. These events will affect you and force you to choose a side. Which one will you choose? Russ Dizdar

  • CONTRAST THE SPIRIT OF GOD with dark spirits

    08/08/2008 Duración: 40min

    GOD-THE HOLY SPIRIT We have done a lot of speaking on the work of dark spirits in the last year. Now we will open the revelation of God to see.......and experience the Person, work and fire of the infinite, eternal, Spirit of God and of Glory. It is the Spirit of God Himself that knows every move of the dark spirits; He knows the agenda and exactly where they are and what they are doing. It is the Spirit of God who has spoken with pin point accuracy of the future infusion and ramping up of dark supernatural spirits as they seek to fulfill they're agenda. He is what the Spirit of God has said: 1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 1 John 4 1Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is f

  • A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS.....and the end of radical evil

    08/08/2008 Duración: 35min

    A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS What if you lived in a city that had over 50 temples that were dedicated to demon gods who wanted blood, who hated and seeks to shut you off from the God of heaven? It was a place thick with the manifest presence of very dark spirits and servant priests who were bent on ridding their dark cabal of anyone who was in touch with the God of Heaven. The King of Babylon and all the officials were committed to the violent gods of the ancient mystical systems. The land, laws and 'atmosphere' was seemingly claimed for the dark spirits and they were bent on stopping any doors that would open to they're enemy YAHWEH – God. Daniel and at least 3 other believers were brave enough to stand against the tide of dark rivers. Daniel was a 'LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS' and became the window for God to work in and invade a nation that was wielded to radical evil. Have you ever wondered how God could use your life? Did you ever see yourself as a key figure who could be used by God to impact lives..........and

  • SEVEN DAYS ABLAZE.....the language of the Spirit

    02/08/2008 Duración: 14min

    Every day you can come into the presence of God and be heard. You can are called to come with total freedom. Become ablaze with the Holy Spirit in these days and be a prayer warrior, soul winner, devoted student of the Word... Let God build His life into you. Russ Dizdar

  • ON THE OTHER SIDE IN ETERNITY.....will you be there? will you really give this up for the luciferian lie?

    20/07/2008 Duración: 55min

    A major broadcast to the new age and deep luciferians. Do you have in you indestructible immortality? Do you know the power of eternity within, given by God that is the taste of what is to come? What do you have? An atomic flash, this is the technology of God and it is beyond all that has been spoken. 1 Corinthians 15 ON THE OTHER SIDE IN ETERNITY..... Revelation - 7Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of th


    18/07/2008 Duración: 01h19min

    What are the dark rituals for? Are dark powers ramping up, you better believe it. The real question is what will you do for protection? How will you keep yourself from being deceived or affected? There is a Presence and Power that the demons fear.................He is the one who blasted apart the finality of death Jesus Christ lived and is Alive right now, He alone is your protection and ......salvation. This session is from the 3rd millennium course from Shatter The Darkness Russ Dizdar

  • RANT TO BOHEMIAN GROVE LUCIFERIANS 6 did you think the black flame would protect you forever

    14/07/2008 Duración: 48min

    The elite, priests and workers of the night will not go free forever........the Great White Throne is known to satan, the demons and many of you. God have mercy on you. Look what you have done. The blood, the screams, the pain and the lives you took. Victims come out and tell. Guards, workers of Bohemian Grove come on out and into the Light of God. NOTHING IN ALL CREATION IS HIDDEN FROM GOD'S SIGHT, EVERYTHING IS LAID BARE BEFORE THE EYES OF HIM TO WHOM YOU MUST GIVE ACCOUNT Hebrews 4................don't you know this? Russ Dizdar


    06/07/2008 Duración: 01h21min

    What will you find if you meet extra dimensional entities? Will those who listen to their whispers be bitten in the end? This is not grandma little red riding has big teeth, the better to eat you with Russ Dizdar Here is the web blog/newsletter

  • A SPIRITUAL CONVERGENCE IN ROSWELL....its not what you think and no they are not friendly!

    28/06/2008 Duración: 01h17min

    A convergence in Roswell NM Will occur this next week. What do dark and deep rituals have to do with the 'crash' in Roswell in the 40's? What or who is behind the spirituality of the alien research? Who the Heck are the ALIENS? What do they want? Why have they operated in such secrecy and deception? Are you on the WEB? In the cone of the web is a dark lethal presence, so also in the dark secrecy of alien presence is a lethal presence so old and so dark...........well fallen and unaided minds and eyes can see it. Darkness will always bite you in the end Russ Dizdar


    28/06/2008 Duración: 01h17min

    Soldiers in Iraq...........where the demon gods roamed, and still do. Your fighting on the land where satan came and tempted humanity, where the nephilim polluted the world, where ancient demons received the blood of humans who were sacrificed. Soldiers you have much to face in your battle there but don't mistake it is a spiritual war. Your on the land (in the region) where the future mother of all wars will take place. (REV.19:19) We pray for you to be gripped by the power of God and the Love of Jesus Christ.... Let us know what you need. Learn Spiritual warfare and unleash the presence and power of the living God. Russ Dizdar


    13/06/2008 Duración: 01h14min

    LUCIFER'S NEW AGE christ....A COSMIC christ CONSCIOUSNESS.....O REALLY! When a lie is presented so sweet, so loving, so kind and even with a makes it all the more horrible. A lie is a lie and its deception. In the beginning the fallen cherub offered humanity the promise of an 'evolution of human consciousness that leads to divinity' He asked us to dance on razor blades, we did and have been bleeding ever since. The new age has been lead by the 'ascended masters' and they are teaching a counterfeit spirituality with a counterfeit cHIRST and with scriptures so twisted that it will make your head spin. If your a new ager you will be challenged.....if you believe the Biblical revelation of end time deception .......well here it is. Rev. Larkin teaches the old occult teaching of an evolution of humanity to a


    10/06/2008 Duración: 01h15min

    The infinite Spirit of God did warn us that in the final days seductive spirits will come and seek to lead you astray. 1 Timothy 4:1 check it out Hey what spirit guides your life? again check out 1 John 4....There is a difference between the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error(falsehood) How to get from dark spirits. Millions since the 60's have opened the doors to dark and seductive spirits. Once they get in they seek more to help keep a grip and use the demonized person. There is a way out.........only Jesus Christ by His presence exposed the dark ones for what they are .....demons! and only Jesus crushed and destroyed the satanic presence. Jesus has come to set people Mark 5 and see the amazing work that Jesus did. Thi


    04/06/2008 Duración: 01h06min

    A SUPERNATURAL HOLE INTO THE SUBSTRUCTURES OF RADICAL EVIL God ripped open a hole and showed the doorway where all the radical satanic evil was done. Did you know He wants Christan's to 'expose darkness'? But you can't expose what you do know see..............God wants you to see what perpetrators of radical have done, are doing and are willing to do in the near future. Will you SEE? DIG IN? GO IN? are you in diapers or clothed in the Armor of God exercising the Authority of Christ and pull some from the fire?? Mark Bohemian Grove and the darkness there.........pray it down....pray for the victims....ask God to rip a hole in all

  • SOLDIERS DON'T SAY SUICIDE....there is another way

    30/05/2008 Duración: 01h08min

    The noise, blood and bombs are enough to put anyone on edge, Add to this the feeling that there is no way to stop the sound and the sights. The pressure is on and the mind is pushed. The darkness that lurks loves the pain and seeks to steal the life out of soldiers who live on the battle field. There is a wounded Healer who knows battle, blood and death. He is called the PRINCE OF PEACE, He dear soldiers seeks you there......right where you are. Peace of mind Peace of heart Peace with God Peace with self Peace like a can have peace like a river Russ Dizdar


    15/05/2008 Duración: 01h09min

    Occultists have known for years how sexual perversion can be used to weaken and open a person to dark spirits. The demons dance in the sex rituals and the human heart/mind is darkened. Have you heard of the 'MARRIAGE TO THE BEAST'? Russ Dizdar


    14/05/2008 Duración: 01h12min

    Radical evil entered the human race, its real......he is real. This domain of darkness has seduced, deceived and sabotaged the human race. The greatest deception is now upon us all. Dark spirits will push military leaders, political rulers and the 'kings' of the earth. Great chaos is about to strike, a new order will pull humanity to the edge of hell itself. Where will you stand....or fall? Russ Dizdar .html

  • WHO IS ALLAH? In the book of Daniel it could be the prince of Persia?

    14/05/2008 Duración: 01h13min

    Does anyone know Allah? Study its attributes well---non personal, does not want human fellowship, you can't come to know it.......only submission! There are no similarities between God and allah, why? Russ DIzdar

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