The Ragged Edge Radio ....with Russ Dizdar

ASCENDED MASTERS .......or wolves in angelic clothing



ASCENDED MASTERS ...........or wolves in angelic clothing Who are these 'ASCENDED MASTERS' that millions are influenced by? Thousands seek they're attention and ancient wisdom. Over 30 years ago when I was a practitioner of golden Buddha meditation I was trained by a man ( Considered to be a master) that as I go passive and empty myself ancient beings, supra natural beings may come to me...........ascended masters What do they want? I was told they want to share superior wisdom and knowledge. I was also told that they might want to 'come into' my body and speak through me! Though I did try to seek them they never came to me. I realized just a few months later someone else was seeking me too, it was the Lord Jesus Christ. God was about to encounter me as I stood on the razors edge of this deep spiritual deception. Russ Dizdar