1-844-843-2871 Each week three fans of Marvel Comics Agents Haley, Lauren and Stargate Pioneer debrief you on the latest episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or other related Marvel Universe content and news. You can find us on iTunes under ''Legends of SHIELD''. You can also follow us on Twitter @LegendsofSHIELD or even better, send us an e-mail: You can find all our contact information on our show page of - Our complete archive is always available at www.legendsofshield.comDon't forget to leave a Voicemail at 1-844-THE-BUS1 (1-844-843-2871) Legends of Shield is a member of the GonnaGeek Podcast Network but is not owned by GonnaGeek.
E404 Hawkeye S01E04 "Partners, Am I Right?" Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS404
13/12/2021 Duración: 01h07minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, Consultant Chris, and Director SP discuss the Disney+ Hawkeye episode “Partners, Am I Right?” The Team debriefs you on National Pastry Day, Chris’ begins a Hexagon theory, Michelle rants on the plot and pacing and concern about Marvel Studios burn out, discussion on Maya’s Uncle’s identity, Lauren’s take on the medical procedures shown in this episode, SP’s Hallmark Holiday standard checklist, the big Yelana Bolova reveal, Holiday Dog Antlers, precision close range tree ornament weapons, Kate’s boomerang arrow pontifications, arrow catching, that buddy cop bonding moment, Clint’s continual grieving of Natasha, the epic Hawkeye-Black Widow-Echo fight, who the owner of the watch might be, Go Team LARPers, and how butterscotch might be involved in the series finale. The Agents also discuss the top Marvel news stories of the week including Kevin Feige Confirming Netflix Defenders Characters Casting In The MCU, Shang Chi’s Big screen an
E403 Hawkeye S01E03 "Echoes" Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS403
06/12/2021 Duración: 58minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, Consultant Chris, and Director SP discuss the Disney+ Hawkeye episode “Echoes.” The Team debriefs you on National Special Education Day, Zahn McCarnon’s excellent portrayal of Maya’s father William, Lauren’s explanation of the importance of the Deaf Community, speculate on Maya’s reaction to find out Clint is Ronin, speculate on who Maya’s uncle is, all the favorite trick arrows used, how SP cringed at the loss of the Charger, when SP will volunteer to walk Lucky the Pizza Dog, SP’s Hallmark Holiday movie checklist, Michelle’s CW Arrow flashbacks, and the fantastic action scene and car chase. They also discuss the top Marvel news stories of the week including Colbie Smulders return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney+ cutting two pre-MCU Marvel films from its streaming lineup, and when Kathryn Hahn learned of her Disney+ series title. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS T
E402 Hawkeye "Never Meet Your Heroes" S01E01 and "Hide And Seek" S01E02 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS402
29/11/2021 Duración: 01h05minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, Consultant Chris, and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Disney+ Hawkeye season one premiere episodes “Never Meet Your Heroes” and “Hide and Seek.” They also discuss the top Marvel news stories of the week including the Disney+ premiere date for Eternals, Scarlet Johansson’s secret Marvel project, and WandaVision’s Grammy Nomination. The Team debriefs you on the PlayComics episode interviewing the original 90’s X-Men animation series creators, the major Hawkeye cast rundown, the glory of the Track Suit Mafia (TSM), the issue with David Aja’s credits versus compensation by Marvel/Disney, the unique Kate Bishop training montage, the flashback and seamless integration of the 2012 Avenger’s battle with Loki’s Chitauri army, the “Grabie-Grab” as the first series trick arrow, how Kate Bishop is moonlighting as a pseudo safety building inspector, the Roger’s musical, proper bathroom etiquette, the CW Arrow-like fight scenes, the realistic LARPing po
E401 One Shot Review On 2021 Film Shang Chi And The Legend of the Ten Rings (A Marvel Fan Podcast) LoS401
22/11/2021 Duración: 01h15minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, Consultant Chris, and Specialist Consultant Aki and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the 2021 Marvel Studios film Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and the weekly Marvel News. The Team welcomes Aki to the podcast and welcome back Agent Michelle to the podcast from her sabbatical. The Team then debriefs you on how their overall impressions of the film are slightly split and why, the mis-translations in the film, how a few Team members were thrown off by language and captions at the beginning of the film, the story of Shang Chi and Xialing’s parents, how Wenwu villain motivations were delightful, the future possibilities with Xialing, some deep Marvel Cinematic universe tie ins that were not obvious, the Kung Fu martial arts fighting review, the dragons in the film and how many wished the MCU had them earlier, the wonderful depictions of Chinese mythical creatures in Ta Lo, how the karaoke was amazing AND culturally accurate, how some cul
E400 Marvel Disney+ Day Announcements 2021 (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS400
18/11/2021 Duración: 51minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant Chris and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the first ever Marvel Disney+ Day Sizzle Reel and news. The Team debriefs you on all the Marvel Studios Disney+ Day 2021 announcements, the 14 minute Marvel Disney+ Sizzle Reel reactions, how Hawkeye is just a step towards Chris’ Ghost Spider, why Chris is MOST EXCITED about the X-Men ’97 announcement, a first look of Isaac Oscar as Moon Knight, how character background and development is vastly benefited by using Disney+ series, the sheer entertainment factor of She-Hulk, the excitement of an added Muslim Pakistani-American superhero to the MCU, why Season 2 of What If…? is an instant watch, Chris and SP are excited to get to know Echo better, how Spiderman Freshman Year is replacing Tom Holland, why SP was gravely mistaken about I Am Groot, will SP ever pronounce RiRi Williams correctly, how Kathryn Hahn is now set to steal the entire Disney+ universe, will Marvel Zombies be a rare Disney+ miss, and if SP will ever fin
E399 November 11th, 2021 Weekly Marvel News Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS399
15/11/2021 Duración: 41minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant Chris and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Marvel screen related news of the week. The Team debriefs you on the penultimate Disney+ Day marvel news, Black Panther 2 production delays and questions about when production can resume, the Eternals opening weekend box office reports, continuing story regarding Eternals censorship worldship, how Marvel titles could possible be viewed better on Disney+ through IMAX formats now, how Ronin might impact the Hawkeye series, the impact of Ms Marvel’s Inhuman superpowers on the MCU, and when the potential Young Avengers series or film could be coming. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Weekly Marvel News Information on the Black Panther sequel’s filming delays The Marvel Eternal’s film opening weekend box office numbers A Disney+ Ms. Marvel series update ...and much, much more.WEEKLY MARVEL SCREEN RELATED NEWS [4:16]TOP NEWS STORY OF T
E398 November 4th, 2021 Weekly Marvel News Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS398
08/11/2021 Duración: 57minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Consultant Chris and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Marvel screen related news of the week and some audience feedback. The Team debriefs you on how Consultant Chris is able to get a letter of recommendation from an Avenger, how Bill Murray could just party right on to any active filming set, how good Albert Einstein was at math, Disney’s inclusion stance in parts of the world, how film review bombing is a failed tactic, why Chris does not care about the PlayStation 5 Marvel games, all the Disney+ Day Trailer hype, which Legends of SHIELD host would give Kate Bishop a run for her money, how a great cast might not be able to save Morbius, and a spoiler free mini review of the 2021 film Dune. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Weekly Marvel News Preparing ourselves by watching a Disney+ Day Trailer Discussing yet another Hawkeye 30 second trailer with a new character F
E397 October 28th, 2021 Weekly Marvel News Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS397
01/11/2021 Duración: 28minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant Jason and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Marvel screen related news of the week. The Team debriefs you on SP’s gambling issues and why Jason is back on the show, the shifting of Marvel Cinematic Universe theater premiere dates, filming progress on several Marvel Cinematic Universe properties, some additional promotional spots for the Disney+ holiday series Hawkeye, and the character development successes of the MCU. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Weekly Marvel News Update of Marvel Cinematic Universe premieres and release dates Filming progress of Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania and Secret Invasion A few more specifics of the Hawkeye series WEEKLY MARVEL SCREEN RELATED NEWS [1:56] TOP NEWS STORY OF THE WEEK Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is scheduled to premiere on September 3rd, 2021. Eternals is scheduled to premiere on November 5th, 2021. Disney+ Day
E396 October 14th, 2021 Weekly Marvel News Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS396
18/10/2021 Duración: 51minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant Chris and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Marvel screen related news of the week. The Team debriefs you National LED Day, discuss the rough plan for Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. from this point forward, Chris discusses his personal connection with Bill Murray, what to expect from Armor Wars, the casting and possible animation style of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, the use of the Infinity Stones in What If…? explained, question if James Spader does impressions, and why they are ambivalent about a Howard The Duck series. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Weekly Marvel News Ant-Man Quantumania casting news More information about 2022’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Hints at what we’ll see in What If Season 2WEEKLY MARVEL SCREEN RELATED NEWS [7:51]TOP NEWS STORY OF THE WEEKShang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is scheduled to premiere on September 3rd, 2021.Eternals
E395 "What If The Watcher Broke His Oath?" S01E09 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS395
11/10/2021 Duración: 01h24minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Consultant Chris, Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one finale episode “What If…The Watcher Broke His Oath?” the weekly Marvel news and listener feedback. The Team debriefs you National LED Day,the EPIC What If…? season finale, that final screen voice appearance by Chadwick Boseman, the Watcher Watch report, the amazing fights, the Hydra Stomper surprise, how accessible A.C. Bradley has been, how What If…? stacks up in Disney+, all the episode notable voice acting, the cats of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. with their reactions to the episode, Bernard the Flamingo Accountant, Strange’s strange toast, Multiverse food options, Scocones of the multiverse, how to take a Christmas Tree to the eye, the deal with the Infinity Stones in the multiverse, Scarlett Johansson’s lawsuit settlement with Disney, Agent Lauren’s big prediction on the new Guardians Of The Galaxy character in the 2022 holiday special, and Kathyn Hahn’s big score. Stay tuned a
E394 "What If Ultron Won?" S01E08 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS394
04/10/2021 Duración: 01h27minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Consultant Chris, Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one episode “What If…Ultron Won?” the weekly Marvel news and listener feedback. The Team debriefs you International Podcasting Day, that EPIC multiverse beat down fight, a diversion into the series music composer, The Watcher’s prominent role in the episode, the Clint and Natasha glow in the dark post-apocalyptic glow in the dark adventure, why exactly was Zola effective against Zola in theory, we ask you to tell us who was Steve Roger’s Vice Presidential running mate, the unique nature of the Ultron voice actor, Supreme Strange’s demand, if Tony Stark’s death is a Nexus point in the multiverse, why Vision didn’t take care of Thanos like he did in the Ultron did, at least SOME of the Russian Language Easter Eggs, Black Widow’s family heirloom, a HUGE Disney family multiverse Easter Egg, what the What If MCU continuity had limited the series to, speculation on how the What If moment
E393 "What If Thor Were An Only Child?" S01E07 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS393
27/09/2021 Duración: 01h56minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Director SP, Agent Lauren, and Consultant Chris discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one episode “What If…Thor Were An Only Child?” the weekly Marvel news and listener feedback. The Team debriefs you National Great American Pot Pie Day and Bisexuality Visibility Day 2021, what a complete and total fun party episode they saw on What If…? this week, a robust voice acting critique for the episode, a Watcher Watch by Chris, the team expect to all get Magic tattoos together in Vegas soon, the city-wide multi-school party, why the MCU needs more Darcy, the epic-ness of the Grandmaster, a possible Stan Lee cameo, Korg’s pacifier, evidence as to why Howard The Duck brings the fun into the series, the shock as to why Heimdall does not pay attention to Midgard, where is Thor’s sister?, the grand S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon, how the Asgardian spell check is really magic, the episode Thor-Captain Marvel fight with looney toons map names, Thor admits he is indeed a horse god, what
E392 "What If Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?" S01E06 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS392
19/09/2021 Duración: 01h35minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Director SP, Agent Lauren, Consultant Chris and Consultant Jason discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one episode “What If…Killmonger rescued Tony Stark?” The Team debriefs you National Play-Doh Day, their thoughts about the overly complex plans of Killmonger being a Xanatos Gambit, why Tony Stark appeared excessively compulsive, Pepper Potts and Shuri’s triumphant story arcs, the shining bright components of the episode, what’s been happening with The Watcher, the voice over casting rundown, how the 30 minute episodes are hampering story development, the possible direction the series is heading, speculation on which season one episodes might reappear in season two, Tony Stark’s What If series track record so far, SP’s episode nitpicks, guesses as to which MCU titles will premiere in 2024, and their reactions to the Disney+ series Hawkeye trailer. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.
E391 "What If Zombies?" S01E05 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS391
12/09/2021 Duración: 01h02minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Director SP, Agent Lauren, and Consultant Chris discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one episode “What If Zombies?” The Team debriefs you National Amersand Day, their thoughts about Zombies in Marvel, their opinions on the voice over cast review and discussion, which Avengers that possibly survived, some famous zombie cameos, the first MCU Uncle Ben mention, their speculation on who should play Uncle Ben in the MCU, their confusion over the episode ending, what the Tentacle Monster might be, a potential series team-up, and some weekly Marvel news discussion. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: What If…Zombies? From the Disney+ Marvel series What If (S1E5) Weekly Marvel News Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Box Office Results How the Scarlett Johanson Lawsuit affected the Russo Brothers Where you can see a former Runaways actor next WHAT IF…? “WHAT IF … ZOMBIES?” [4
E390 "What If Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead Of His Hands?" S01E04 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS390
05/09/2021 Duración: 01h33minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Director SP, Consultant Chris and Consultant Rob discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one episode “What If Doctor Strange Lost His Heart instead Of His Hands?” The Team debriefs you on to be prepared to brace yourself when you watch the episode, that this was Consultant Rob’s first What If…? Episode, a full Voice Acting rundown, an incomplete list of Time Loop TV episodes, the fact that IT is magic, the shocker that the Watcher interacted with a character for the first time, ask ourselves what the what if moment is in the episode, if the What If…? episodes are related, the fact that Wong needs to be highlighted more, ask ourselves who exactly O’Bengh was, which superpower we would absorb, the Battle Of The Capes, and Benedict Cumberbatch acting against himself. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:What If The Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands? From the Disney+
E389 "What If The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?" S01E03 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS389
29/08/2021 Duración: 01h10minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Consultant Chris and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one episode “What If The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?” The Team debriefs you on National Dog Day, what the What If moment really was in the episode, the difference of three stories combined into one, a voice acting rundown, the epic Coulson password (#SteveSteveSteveIHeartSteve0704), what Hank meant by honoring Hope, the fun Nick Fury cosplay at the end of the episode, how this episode could be tied into other What If episodes, Lavender Thor (enough said) and how Ruffalo finally got to act in some 2008 Incredible Hulk scenes. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: What If The World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? From the Disney+ Marvel series What If (S1E3) Weekly Marvel News Some Marvel Cinematic Universe Deadpool 3, Phase 4 tie ins, Black Panther and Black Widow updates The First Trailer from
E388 "What If T'Challa Became Star-Lord?" S01E02 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS388
22/08/2021 Duración: 01h22minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Consultant Chris and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one episode “What If T’Challa Became Star-Lord?” The Team debriefs you on National Aviation Day, T’Challa’s true superpower, an in depth review of the voice acting cast and their performance, the Marvel pre-roll in Loki Episode 6 versus the What If series, when all the feels hit the agents with Chadwick Boseman while watching the episode, the new name for Star-Lord’s ship, how Yondu still lied to Star-Lord, the mistake to grab T’Challa versus Peter Quill, Star-Lord’s new Cha-Cha name, and how this episode was different from the last as the Guardians Of The Galaxy storyline was not followed beat for beat. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: What If…? S01E02 “What If T’Challa Became Star-Lord?” Weekly Marvel News Listener Feedback WHAT IF…? “WHAT IF T’CHALLA BECAME STAR-LORD?” [6:39] “What If
E387 "What If Captain Carter Were The First Avenger" S01E01 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS387
15/08/2021 Duración: 01h04minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer of the show Director SP, Consultant Chris, and Consultant Jason discuss the Disney+ What If…? season one premiere episode “What If Captain Carter Were The First Avenger.” The Team debriefs you on National Vinyl Record Day, a in-depth episode voice acting cast rundown, if voice acting matters in Marvel animation or videos games, the differences of the Marvel pre-roll in from Wandavision to Loki to What If, the comic book background to this episode of What If, the specific decision that changes The First Avengers, the continued forbidden relationship between Peggy and Steve, the lack of a Winter Soldier, if the lack of Hive confirms Kevin Fiege’s opinion of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., the impacts of the re-characterization of Col Flynn, how much fun the premiere episode was and a little on the animation style of the What If series. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: What If…? S01E01 “What I
E386 M.O.D.O.K. Season One Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS386
01/08/2021 Duración: 58minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant Chris and show Producer Director SP discuss the Hulu series Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K. Season 1. The Agents debrief you on National Chicken Wing Day, how Chris interview MODOK Showrunner Jordan Blum on his Play Comics podcast, how MODOK is a modern Amercian family dad, all the heart in the series, the fantastic voice acting talent in the series, Marvel’s generous allowance of character use in the series and the creation of the Marvel-1226 Universe for MODOK, The Offenders that weren’t including Hit-Man, Tigra & Dazzler and Howard the Duck, the stop motion animation by Stoopid Buddy Studios, MODOK’s family character journeys, all the other season-long fun character arcs, the balance MODOK plays between loving his family and loving taking over the world, the excellent series writing and dialogue, and some background into HEXUS the Living Corporation Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Dis
E385 One Shot Review On 2021 Film Black Widow (A Marvel Fan Podcast) LoS385
25/07/2021 Duración: 01h06minThe Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle, and Producer of the show Director SP discuss the 2021 Marvel Studios film Black Widow and the weekly Marvel News. The Team debriefs you on National Mango Day, Our love of the Spy Family Found Family, why David Harbour was perfect for the Red Guardian role in the MCU, the pre COVID-19 Marvel Cinematic Universe content release timeline that was, the awesome action in the film, that Black Widow superhero pose, the righting of Black Widow’s red ledger and Dreykov’s daughter, the future of Black Widow in the MCU, the unique Black Widow box office numbers and what they might mean, and that Taskmaster surprise. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Black Widow (2021) Weekly Marvel News BLACK WIDOW [4:39] Black Widow Produced By: Kevin Feige 80 Production Credits Starting with X-Men in 2000 79 are Marvel Comics Based prop