Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks



An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Linda Moulton Howe and Barbara Lamb – The Galactic War Beneath Our Feet?

    15/03/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    Galactic War - Not Just the Stuff of Star Wars Anymore! https://youtu.be/eP_alrEh2oY Is there a galactic war happening right under our feet? As if the wars that we are seeing play out on the surface of the earth weren’t enough to rattle our cages, the RATTLING or as Linda Moulton Howe describes as “big booms,” that’ve have been steadily reported since 2011 may be indicating that humans are in an all out battle with non human forces - underground. I spoke with Linda, along with crop circle expert and hypnotherapist Barbara Lamb about the increasing anomalies that refuse to relent from our reality. What are they indicating?  And when, if ever, will we find out what’s REALLY going on? Listen to what Linda and Barbara have to say about the real life Star Wars that may be happening right beneath our feet! Relevant links from this episode: Full Disclosure and Ascension: The War Has Gone Hot! - David Wilcock A Mysterious Boom Rattles New Yorkers - The New York Times Linda Moulton Howe on Strange Booms Explai

  • When multiple synchronicity strikes in quick succession what is it telling you?

    08/03/2017 Duración: 28min

    The what and why of synchronicity "clusters" and evidence of a "thinning veil"   Sometimes the Universe isn't just content to whisper, it prefers to scream! As I've said many times, synchronicity is without question the Universe's wink and nod. A process that philosopher Terence McKenna called "...a curious juxtaposition...that gives the impression that psyche and world are somehow contiguous with each other." Just recently, my psyche was apparently on overdrive when it aligned with not just one "meaningful coincidence" but five, and in relative quick succession. I've often spoken of how one can trigger more synchronistic experiences by simply acknowledging an initial encounter by simply stating out loud "Synchronicity!" the moment it happens. But how or why might one individual have a windfall of synchronicity in the span of only a few short weeks - everything from whimsical to weighty? Here's the short sheet as to what I witnessed: The "random" thought of a family friend's home and the urgent messa

  • Nassim Haramein – Brainlessness & Breakthroughs

    01/03/2017 Duración: 43min

    "Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer." - Nassim Haramein https://youtu.be/n911rUz-Frg Among the many human enigmas that exist within this complex structure of reality is our potential to think and function normally even with very little brain matter. If the brain is still thought to be chiefly responsible for producing awareness, then how could this be so? Ground breaking physicist and consciousness explorer Nassim Haramein sat down with me to explain just what might make this possible. If thinking and functioning without a brain so to speak, is happening which he contends is far more common than we know, then just what IS truly driving our ability to navigate the wheel of life? Nassim begins by describing one mystifying account of a gentlemen in Paris who after suffering injuries in an automobile accident had tests that revealed he had minimal brain matter but still managed to think and function quite normally. If the actual brain is not primary in o

  • Sonia Barrett – The Business of Disease

    25/01/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTPJ1dPnzZc Is disease a business? A massive and intricate campaign to keep people sick and acclimate them to the idea that sickness is an inevitable flaw of being human? This is a question that consciousness researcher, author and documentary filmmaker Sonia Barrett explores in her latest project, The Business of Disease. In this well-rounded and eye-opening illustration about how our health has been hijacked by special interests, and social engineering, she doesn’t stop at that. In this film, she avails the viewer to a stunning and exciting approach to understanding how we can heal ourselves, not just our bodies, but our mind and spirit as well. Higher Journeys Radio caught up with Sonia to discuss all of the multi dimensions to this complex system of sickness, health and overall well being. WIN A FREE PRIVATE SCREENING OF THE BUSINESS OF DISEASE BY VISITING OUR FACEBOOK PAGE AND "LIKING" THE POST ABOUT OUR INTERVIEW WITH SONIA BARRETT! Relevant links from this episode:

  • Trish and Rob MacGregor – Synchronicity, Precognition and Sensing the Future

    11/01/2017 Duración: 01h03min

    Precognition - Are we just glimpsing the future or creating it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5zLk7uJ_7U That was the question I posed to researchers and authors Rob and Trish MacGregor during our interview to discuss precognition and their brand new book, Sensing the Future - How to Tap Into Your Intuition and Read Signs From the Universe to Predict What's to Come. While cloaked in more common terms such as omen or premonition, precognition is something that many of us have had on occasion. But the stories that Rob and Trish share about such "glimpses" into the future will be enough to stand you on your ear! From heartwarming to horrifying, the stories you'll hear will no doubt make you think twice about how we are connected to absolutely everything and everyone, and with no apparent boundaries of time and space! Relevant links from this episode: Seth - The Spiritual Teacher that Launched the New Age Sept 11, Japanese Tsunami: People Claim Premonitions, Predicted Them Wholeness and the Implicate Orde

  • 2017 – Digging up the Weeds!

    04/01/2017 Duración: 19min

    You form your experience. You form your past, your present, and your future. You are responsible for each daily moment, individually and en masse. En masse, your beliefs bring about the world conditions that you know. Individually, they form your intimate daily life. As I have told you before, in a manner of speaking, you are given the gifts of the gods. Your beliefs become reality. What you believe IS, and becomes real in your experience. There are no other answers. There is no area in your life to which this does not apply.” -From The Seth Audio Collection, Volume 1 (Channeled by Jane Roberts) Here we are - 2017! Do you actually believe you will be better off this year than you were last? Do you believe that this year, you will finally keep that resolution? Or do you believe that nothing will change and that you're doomed to the same uninspiring cycle you've been in for most of your life? Either way, you are right. Either way, the key word is belief. But when examining our beliefs whether individually o

  • Sharon Millstein – 2017 Numerology Forecast

    28/12/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    What can a numerology forecast tell us about what's in store for 2017? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_fpK0CPO40 At the beginning of every new year, we all tend to have this desire for a fresh start, we commit to resolutions, and look forward to new beginnings. But could this coming year, 2017 really represent the beginning of a whole new cycle, individually and planetary. Celebrated numerologist Sharon Millstein certainly says so, particularly as she sees it according to the numbers. 2017 represents what is referred to as the “ONE YEAR,” A crucial marker in a cycle that is said to set the pace for the coming nine years. Listen to what Sharon had to impart about what THIS particular 1 year has in store for us all. Here's a basic numerology "definition" of the one year as referenced at sunsigns.org: Number One year is both a conventional and an original year. This number is indicative of fresh beginnings and explorations in the journey of life. People with personal year number one will in all probability

  • Miguel Mendonca – ET Disclosure is Ours for the Taking!

    14/12/2016 Duración: 01h33s

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFbK6ccDyxY Is ET Disclosure right under our nose and we don't recognize it? We are the Disclosure is the name of ET/UFO researcher Miguel Mendonca's brand new book, in two volumes. Loaded with great insights and a spectrum of interpretations about the ET disclosure subject and the phenomenon of extraterrestrial life and our engagement with it, "Disclosure" is more than just a grouping of "experts" who have much to share. Together, it draws a tapestry; a life story with many, many chapters, teaming with overwhelming evidence that a. ET presence is a reality and b. There's little to no chance that our official governments will ever disclose that such a reality exists. In this, my second interview with Miguel he delves deeply into his personal and societal philosophy about our so-called authorities and why it is absolutely imperative that we take the disclosure issue (and other such truths) into our own hands. This conversation definitely went places I hadn't suspected, but I

  • Are You Living the Dream? But Whose Dream is it?

    07/12/2016 Duración: 19min

    Are you striving to fulfill a template dream without realizing it? Let's talk about living the dream... Many a well intentioned motivational speaker will tell you in some form or fashion to “Think big. Never give up on pursuing your dreams.” And you, being the self-motivated go-getter that you are says, “Yes, I can do it. If he/she can do it, I sure can!” But therein may lie the problem - If they can do it, so can you. In a society that places undue pressure on the masses to look like this, be like this, act like this vs. creating your own unique sweet spot, more and more people are acquiring real estate in a collective dream rather than creating a vision hand-crafted by the individual. I recently did a quick inquiry into the connection between socio-economic factors and suicidal tendencies to see if any data showed a significant connection between the two. Not surprised, it didn’t take long at all to get a composite of the state of affairs. No doubt there is more than just a cursory connection. In a 2012

  • Penney Peirce – Metaphysics, The “Trump Factor” and Our Key to Evolution

    30/11/2016 Duración: 55min

    https://youtu.be/6zggm86uPko What you are about to hear is not an interview per se, but a conversation, a free flow of thoughts and reflections. A discussion about our present reality and what it may mean in the larger scheme of things.  We’re now looking in the rearview mirror of a Presidential election here in the U.S. that has one contingent of society reeling, shaking their head in shock and dismay, protesting against what they believe will be a future steeped in hate and massive civil unrest  and yet another, proudly claiming victory, reveling in the defeat of the insiders and anxiously awaiting for the swamp to finally be drained. This is not about the fact that either side is wrong or right, but that both represent two extreme examples of how polarity has kept human kind’s ability to evolve under lock and key for so long. But that might be changing according to spiritual philosopher, and intuition expert Penney Peirce. She feels that this in your face ugly may actually be a good thing, and a means by

  • The Metaphysics of Gratitude

    23/11/2016 Duración: 16min

    How expressing gratitude for things yet to manifest may actually be the key to it showing up in your reality.   Most are familiar with the passage from the Christian Bible that says, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Though we may not look upon such an edict as having a metaphysical tone, there is much to suggest that a thought, or a spoken word infused with faith and belief is the powerful conduit for actualizing that which is uttered with intention. I've seen many examples of this in my own life. Particularly in recent years, I have witnessed first-hand the power inherent in our thoughts and words, particularly those spoken with a sense of gratitude. But how is this so? In my recent interview with psychic medium John Holland, we spoke of the possibility of a "thinning veil" - that which has long separated man in the physical world from everything that is perceived to be outside or on the other side of this dimension. Despite

  • William Buhlman – Higher Self Now!

    16/11/2016 Duración: 59min

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3AxkbjNwts According to OBE expert, author, and researcher William Buhlman true revolutionary change will come when we change our ideas about death and dying. Right now, fear reigns supreme about so many aspects of life, including and especially death. William joins Alexis to discuss how we can all learn to first understand who we really are as spiritual beings and how to incorporate that new understanding into life so we can better prepare for the “afterlife.” Will our beliefs, ideologies and cultural programming bleed over into the afterlife? Will those ideas literally shape the environment(s) that we will inhabit once we leave the physical body? Is there only one “heaven” or “hell” as it’s been described in our world religious dogmas or are there infinite choices to make in where we will “go” once we shed our physical skin? And most importantly do we have a choice? And what about that light that we all hear about? Should we be aiming to enter the light or avoid it like

  • Donald Trump vs. ET Contact. Which is Our “New Reality?”

    10/11/2016 Duración: 22min

    Though headlines describe President-Elect Donald Trump as our "new reality," Something MUCH bigger is around the corner. Buckle up! I want to begin by presenting to you a very stark and distinct contrast in what we might call “our new reality.” Have you recently heard that little line: “Our new reality” in the last 24-36 hours? Well, if you’ve been glued to the news recently, you surely have. Why? Because that's how the media is describing the unprecedented and to many unbelievable presidential election win of Donald Trump, and what may become a complete paradigm shift in how we acquaint with daily life. Many are still reeling from this unexpected turn of events; bracing for what they truly believe will be a brand new reality - one that includes everything from success to subjugation, depending on who you talk to. That's what the media is speaking of - The new reality that includes Trump! But what if I were to tell you, that there’s another reality, and it’s one that although very real to more individual

  • John Holland – Psychic Ability and the Thinning Veil

    02/11/2016 Duración: 59min

    Is there something aiding in the uptick of psychic ability these days? Is it our technology? Are we changing as humans to a more spiritual form, or is the veil between this world and the next disappearing? Renowned psychic medium John Holland sheds light on these questions and much more!

  • Why We Should Toss Belief and Opt for Knowing

    26/10/2016 Duración: 17min

    Seeing is believing, but experiencing is knowing. Seek to experience and you will NEVER have to believe again!

  • Mary Rodwell – Who is The New Human?

    19/10/2016 Duración: 57min

    Is there a new kind of human gracing our planet right now? And if so, who are they, why are they here, and what do they know about the existing agendas to monitor, mimic, and potentially misuse their undeniable intellectual and metaphysical abilities? In this, my fourth interview with the extraordinary Mary Rodwell, a researcher into the phenomenon of this new human, we sat down while on-location in Los Angeles to discuss the multi-dimensions these individuals demonstrate. Whether it’s extreme telepathic and telekinetic abilities, self healing capacity, or even the ability to make themselves physically invisible to others, these are just some of what Mary has documented in her broad spectrum of research. And as far as she is concerned, THIS is what we all can aspire to while living on this planet. But first we must learn listen to these individuals, to understand their unique perspectives, and then take that leap into becoming THE NEW HUMAN. Watch the full episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/cUcqfz6-Rzc Mary

  • Multitasking and the Death of the Focused Mind

    12/10/2016 Duración: 17min

    Is the culture of multitasking a grand design to undermine human potential? “What’s the craziest multitask you’ve ever pulled off?” This was a question asked to the TV viewing audience during a recent episode of a popular daytime talk show. To start off the segment, the hosts posted an image of a well known actress who admitted to eating her breakfast while she’s in the shower. And then the solicitation: [Think this is crazy?] Tweet the craziest multitask you’ve ever pulled off. Anxiously, the audience raced to tweet their craziest daily juggles, from the relatively reasonable to the downright ridiculous. Multitasking has for years been revered as an ability or skill that we would do best to master. In fact, many job descriptions list must have the ability to multitask in their skill requirements. Looked upon as a staple in order to get along in this fast paced society, there are some who insist that we’ve got it all wrong. In an article entitled, Multitasking is Killing Your Brain, MIT neuroscientist

  • How to Get Those Intuitive Juices Flowing

    28/09/2016 Duración: 20min

    In the last Conscious Commentary episode, I discussed how breaking your routine may be the first (and in some cases only) step needed to change your reality! In this next little "cheat sheet" we'll add to the reality creation arsenal. Most everyone wants to know how to become more intuitive, or at least how to recognize the difference between intuitive hunches and all that other mental talk. As I've mentioned before, each of us has our own unique interface in which "Universe" communicates. It could be auditory or visual or kinesthetic (feeling). Based on my own assessment (and some research), it seems that which is our primary learning style may be that which our intuitive or receiving channel is also connected. Once you've determined how your primary receiving channel operates (auditory, visual, or kinesthetic), here are some tips to help you beef up your intuitive antenna and get those messages flowing a lot more! I'm simply going to list several and then invite you to listen to this week's Consciou

  • Richard Dolan – False Flag Operations and the Back Story That You Need to Know!

    21/09/2016 Duración: 42min

    From #ET's to #FalseFlag Events. Why has alternative researcher Richard Dolan switched gears and why do you need to hear what he has to say RIGHT NOW?

  • The Secret to Manifestation – Tell Your Brain to Change Its Mind!

    14/09/2016 Duración: 16min

    How one little act of shifting my morning routine may have netted a reality shift to the tune of four thousand dollars!

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