Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 224:53:55
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An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Jim Marrs, The “Missing” Bridge, and the True Nature of Time

    09/08/2017 Duración: 22min

     How thoughts about Jim Marrs and a missing time experience came together in perfect symmetry As synchronicity would have it, I had two predominant thoughts on my mind just before retiring to bed last night: The passing of Jim Marrs and the fact that I didn't as yet have a subject to discuss for the next episode of Conscious Commentary. Here's where the synchronicity comes in... Just before waking up this morning while in what I'd call a "twilight" state of sleep, I heard in my mind, simply "Time." And then another word: "Emit." And then the realization that emit is simply time spelled backwards. The download continued: "Reference these two ideas (time and emit) with the recent experience of missing time you had just last weekend." (which I will explain during this episode). I quickly got out of bed, got dressed - morning coffee in hand, scrambling to make sure I would not forget these ideas, fearing that this serendipitous stream of consciousness would flee my mind as quickly as it came in. Jim Marrs, 1943

  • Adventures with Non Human Intelligence from Our Audience

    02/08/2017 Duración: 56min

    Is Interaction with non human intelligence on the rise? How does contact with non human intelligence happen? Is there a prototype for these otherworldly encounters? Or might they be coming in through a variety of channels? Today’s guests are audience members of Higher Journeys who reached out to express an interest in being on the show to share their unique and very different contact experiences. Stephanie from Kansas City Missouri describes her encounters as coming through the creative channel in something called process painting (see some of her incredible images below). While Jason from New York City says his multiple manifestations of orb like phenomena happen almost on a daily basis and are triggered through intense meditation and something known as the CE-5 Protocol. Two very different accounts, but seemingly one fundamental reality: We are connecting with a broader spectrum of intelligent life. Bottom line, more and more "everyday people" are claiming contact with non human intelligence through myri

  • Is There More to the Fake Meme Than Meets the Eye?

    28/07/2017 Duración: 21min

    Suddenly the world’s gone fake - A look at what may be real-ly going on When something comes out of nowhere and suddenly ends up everywhere, something else is going on. - David Icke Fake is the new real-ity. I for one have found this burgeoning meme, famously attributed to the allegation of spreading "fake news" quite fascinating. But not for reasons you might imagine. Sure, many of us are aware of how easy it is to get the masses to parrot words,  mimic acts, and integrate behavioral trends once unleashed by the architects of cult-ure.  But have you ever asked why there's such a push in a given direction? In other words, what's the "end game?" This is a question I posed to myself while watching the swift proliferation of fake this, fake that, fake ____________ (fill in the blank). I became acutely aware how frequent the word had become woven into all sorts of media sound bites, not the least of which is the now notorious "fake news." Here are some recent headlines: Kenya election: BBC targeted by fake N

  • Roberta Grimes – Irrefutable Evidence: The Afterlife is Real and FUN!

    19/07/2017 Duración: 58min

    Some even describe the afterlife and the dying process as "orgasmic!" So what's really going on here? The Fun of Dying. Just by virtue of the sentiment that title implies, you might assume that the following discussion will be light, innocent, and even a touch naive. Well, I can assure you, this is anything but! In my conversation with attorney and afterlife researcher Roberta Grimes we take a critical and evidenced based look at what happens when we die. From quantum theory and breakthroughs in consciousness research to debunking the debunkers, and even first-hand reports from those of have “died,” Roberta Grimes has collected what some may say is irrefutable evidence that not only is there an afterlife, but yes, it can and often is FUN! Watch/Listen to this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/iKc6mBpapoc Relevant links from this episode: Website: Victor Zammit - Afterlife Evidence Article: Quantum Theory Sheds Light on What Happens When We Die Book: Quantum Enigma Video*: Energy/Spirit Leaves Mouse’s

  • UFOlogy, Disclosure, and Why We’re Barking Up the WRONG Tree!

    14/07/2017 Duración: 09min

    Question: "WHEN are we going to Wake Up?" For anyone who follows the latest “news” within the Ufology community, no doubt you’re aware of the recent controversy surrounding several prominent “public figures,” in the field, and the uptick in questioning the validity of their story(s), and how this has called into question the true motivation of some of these individuals for promulgating what appear to some to be far out claims. And where you might think that this post and accompanying (little) commentary are meant to add to the thread of criticism about such claims (either for or against), it is not. This is about public perception and the willingness and desperation to hang their hats on what someone has told them rather than seeking truth for themselves. For this, the focus in NOT about whether what certain individuals are saying is true or not (though certainly any proliferation of un-truths should never be condoned nor tolerated.) - Note that I have and will not proffer any opinion on these matters. Becau

  • Caroline Cory – ET Contact and Gods Among Us

    06/07/2017 Duración: 50min

    ET Contactees, Researchers, Scientists Say - "ET Contact IS Happening!" Are we living with Gods Among Us, and if so, how, if at all, are they connected to us? Filmmaker and consciousness researcher Caroline Cory lays out a compelling thesis that not only are we living in the midst of a broader range of intelligent life, but that there’s actually science to show that this is the case. In her groundbreaking documentary film, Gods Among Us - The Science of Contact, Caroline illustrates with fascinating narrative, first-person accounts, and interviews with some of the top researchers in the field that non human intelligence has and continues to play an integral role in the lives of many. I sat down with Caroline on site at the 2017 Contact in the Desert to discuss her film, and the paradigm changing implications that no longer can be denied. Watch This Episode On YouTube https://youtu.be/bN8Cm86LaoU Explore more... VIDEO: Gods Among Us - Watch movie trailers and extra footage BOOK: The New Human by Mary Rod

  • ET Contact vs. Spiritual Awakening – Is There a Connection?

    29/06/2017 Duración: 23min

    You've had a spiritual awakening but was it really contact with non-human intelligence? In my most recent interview with ET contact researcher Miguel Mendonca we discussed how many individuals who claim to have had repeated contact with non-human intelligence (NHI) are left with a sense of expanded spiritual grounding and as Miguel stated, have gone through positive life transformations as a result of their contact encounters. Sure, there are some who reveal that their interactions with NHI were intimidating or downright terrifying, but based on my own research along with a multitude of discussions with others, both fellow researchers and experiencers alike, the vast majority report benevolent, loving and positive life changing encounters. That said, when we think of the process of what is called spiritual awakening, an often sudden and unprovoked experience in which an individual goes through a profound life transformation, we will hear similar descriptions of positive change, a new sense of self and other

  • Miguel Mendonca – Looking for ET Disclosure in All the WRONG Places

    23/06/2017 Duración: 01h09s

    Top-Down ET Disclosure? Forget About it! Miguel Mendonca is not just an author. He is an explorer; an adventurer determined to make sense out of the schism AND potential of humanity. Not afraid to delve deep beneath the surface of reality, he continues on this quest with his latest volume in a trilogy of revelation, entitled Being with the Beings, the How and Why of ET Contact. In this, our third interview together, we discuss Miguel’s personal journey and the philosophy that continues to shape up for him based largely on the material you will find in his books - that being the multitude of experiencers he’s interviewed extensively about their own journey of Contact. Watch/Listen to this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/Z2ZgJvnkPrk Relevant links from this episode: Book - We Are the Disclosure - Part One and Part Two - by Miguel Mendonca Audio - Soundtracks from We Are the Disclosure including Mary Rodwell Book: 44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction,

  • How to Escape The Matrix – It’s Not What You Think!

    14/06/2017 Duración: 19min

    How one four letter word may be THE Key to unlocking your way out of the Matrix of Reality In a world locked down by rules, regs, and agendas that some say must go according to plan, one might think there's no way out of what has been dubbed "The Prison Planet." The Matrix was a movie that depicted a frightening scenario of the robotic masses and their "handlers" (The Agents) determined to keep tabs on and prevent the public from a life of freedom. The character portrayed as "Neo," once taking the red pill did discover how deep the rabbit hole goes, but he also discovered an inner sanctum; a power woken up out of dormancy, that on some level we all possess. The themes from this film resonated with so many about the constructed nature of physical reality, and how one can escape the proverbial Matrix. But there's another movie that exquisitely captures the idea of a planned or constructed reality.  However in the end, it offers quite a different angle on how one can dissolve what appears to be an inescapable

  • Linda Moulton Howe – The Simulation Theory, Is it Real?

    09/06/2017 Duración: 58min

    Investigative reporter and Emmy award winning producer Linda Moulton Howe brings a rich and varied spectrum of inquiry, looking beneath the surface of the multitude of mysteries that have coincided with our reality for decades. Though her work has focused on the exploration and exposure of the ET and UFO phenomenon, her travels down this path have taken her ever deeper into the proverbial rabbit hole of reality. This time we tackled the subject of our universe as a computer simulation - AKA, the "simulation theory." Are we living in a virtual reality? This was the theme of a talk she gave while at the 2017 Contact in the Desert event in Joshua Tree California, and one that we enthusiastically continued well into the following day while on-location at Contact! Watch this episode on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWYNKMwmhrE Here are some details about the most excellent talk that she presented at Contact. “Some abductees have reported that ETs describe our universe as a 3-D hologram projected fro

  • The War on Consciousness: Our World is Evil, Beautiful.

    31/05/2017 Duración: 25min

    Like it or not, we are in the middle of an all out war on consciousness. But which side will win? Talk about a dichotomy - we're playing out both good and evil in ways unimaginable these days. Have you ever wondered why the media (MSM) barrages the newscast with the ugliest, nastiest, and wickedest of stories? Forget the old news adage, "If it bleeds, it leads." As I said in my interview with veteran news man Dan Rather, "These days, if it doesn't bleed, it doesn't make the cut!" I know, the "savvy" know that good news doesn't sell. I beg to differ. Moreover, good news seems to be at a premium these days, or so the media would have you think. The fact is, that good news and "bad" news are running neck-in-neck, battling for airtime (oxygen) - duking it out in an all out war on consciousness. Here's a website that I recently found, determined to find some news of the altruistic kind while preparing for this latest episode of Conscious Commentary... SunnySkyz.com is a portal dedicated to the whimsical, a

  • Richard Dolan – Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Kind

    26/05/2017 Duración: 53min

    Who or What is behind the push toward artificial intelligence? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAxqhsVxwVo Are we on the verge of living in a world where artificial intelligence will dominate mankind? This is the question I posed to UFO researcher and alternative historian Richard Dolan while on-location at the 2017 Contact in the Desert event in Joshua Tree, California. Artificial Intelligence or A.I. is a loaded subject these days. But it’s not just a topic relegated to global think tanks and scientists in search of the next great technological breakthrough. This is a reality that every single individual on this planet will have to contend with, like it or not. Richard had some great insights to share on this important and controversial subject. Here's some of what we discussed; The history of artificial intelligence and its impact on the new world. Ray Kurzweil's view on A.I., and transhumanism. The birth of the Singularity. The role ET's may be playing in the design of an A.I. planet. The fut

  • Howard Martin – Positive Psychology and the Art and Science of Happiness

    10/05/2017 Duración: 47min

    HeartMath's Howard Martin discusses how "happiness" is catching on and the growing field of positive psychology https://youtu.be/uUan30eKkcg Happiness. It’s something we all strive for, and yet some of the most fundamental and powerful approaches to tapping our own source of happiness have been overlooked, that is until now. I sat down to have a heart-to-heart discussion with Howard Martin, executive vice president of HeartMath to learn about some of the latest breakthroughs in heart intelligence, intuition and how the field of positive psychology is putting a whole new slant on how to truly live a happy life. As a leading figure in the field of heart intelligence, Howard weighs in on how we can tap the heart to invoke more intuitive promptings, and level our emotional states in order to live a more fulfilling life. This episode was filmed on-location at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Relevant links from this episode: What is Positive Psychology and What it is Not - Sou

  • Magical Practices and the Power of Imagination

    03/05/2017 Duración: 20min

    In my recent interview with paranormal researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley we tackled the subject of practical magic; essentially utilizing our psychic faculty to shift the circumstances of our lives. We both agreed that the faculty exists for everyone, and can indeed be effectively utilized when practiced on a regular basis. I’ve always had a fascination with our innate psychic ability. Having witnessed my own occasional head scratching moments - a precognition, intuition, or an inexplicable synchronicity, I’ve never doubted that what really drives reality is an unseen and unlimited force that lies as much within us as “outside of us.” Rosemary and I covered a range of practices and exercises one might utilize to, as she put it, “strengthen the psychic muscle,” but one area we didn’t get into (that is until we went off the air), and that is the power of imagination and improvisation in magical and psychic practice. When I asked her to give me her thoughts on the role imagination plays in the effectiveness of m

  • Rosemary Ellen Guiley – The Art of Practical Magic

    26/04/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    Author Rosemary Ellen Guiley explains how we can use "practical magic" to positively influence our lives Psychic ability. There are those who feel we all have it - to some extent. But if we do, then how can we make good use of it? I took this question to a frequent guest of Higher Journeys and author of Guide to Psychic Power, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. According to Rosemary, we can use our psychic faculties to glean answers to big questions, repair our health, and even improve our finances. But are there any secrets to know in the process of effectively utilizing our psychic senses? Indeed, practical magic is an art form - a means by which to conjure answers and solutions from a realm just outside of our world of limits and predictability. The biggest secrets to opening this doorway may just be right within our reach. Let's find out what Rosemary had to say. Access this episode on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oggWtuHdX2c Relevant links from this episode: Article: Manifestation of Desires - Med

  • Mindfulness – The Panacea for Transformation

    20/04/2017 Duración: 21min

    Mindfulness You've heard this before - "If it were that easy everybody would be doing it." But when it comes to the act of mindfulness, the state of being actively engaged in the present, one would think that would be easy enough to achieve. And yet, with so much emphasis being placed on the more commonly practiced multitasking, the present is fast becoming a thing of the past. This short post isn't about the preaching of why many opt for investing their time belaboring the past or anticipating (worrying about) the future. We've covered that before! Now it's time to reclaim all we really have to begin with and that's the here and now. The fact is, mindfulness is easy. It's natural. But perhaps it's become a lost art, amid the turmoil and tumult of modern life. As with most things, deciding to become a mindful person comes down to one thing - choice! Do you choose to think about what you're going to say in the upcoming business meeting tomorrow as you're mindlessly brushing your teeth, or would you rath

  • Cheryl Abram – Religious Indoctrination and the Sovereign Path

    12/04/2017 Duración: 55min

    The madness and magic of religious indoctrination One woman's incredible journey What if you were given a recipe with a complete list of ingredients and told that it was full proof? As long as you didn’t deviate from the instructions, you would have a perfect result. That’s what the author of Firing God, Cheryl Abram thought. Growing up as a devout Christian, she was determined to follow the recipe for salvation to a T, and she did, but rather than the promise she was told she would receive, she found herself in a life of tumult and confusion; missing the mark on many levels. However, in this process was the trigger for an unexpected journey that changed her perspective in ways like none other. But first it took an honest confrontation with God... I just had to tell the truth. [Honesty] was all I had left in my arsenal. - Cheryl Abram Get ready for raw, real, and inspirational! Access this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/CuuVB0sHeB0 About Cheryl in her own words: As a writer, I've found my voice. Thi

  • “Fake News” and Other Word Memes that Control Culture

    05/04/2017 Duración: 19min

    How getting caught up in word behavior helps to ensure the individual is eradicated. Fake News! There probably isn't one individual in the modern world who hasn't heard or mimicked, or both, this latest meme of social culture. Where it started is another story entirely, and ironically if you were to ask most people who have ever so willfully adopted its addition to the ever growing "vocabulary" of mass society, they probably couldn't tell you. I have always found it both intriguing and disturbing to watch how easy it is for individuals (and I'm going to stress the term "individual" throughout this post to make a point) to so blindly pick up on the phraseology of the moment. It was the great philosopher and writer Oscar Wilde who said the following... Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. This quote was penned by Wilde as part of his 1897 (published in 1905) volume entitled De Profundis, in which he precedes this observat

  • Robert Davis, Ph.D – The Science of ET Contact and Other Paranormal Encounters

    29/03/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    Is there a science to the UFO and ET Contact experience? For a field of study that is still regarded with much speculation, there’s one individual that would argue that a scientific method for understanding this complex web of contact experience is long overdue, and that’s internationally recognized neuroscientist and a former professor at The State University of New York, Dr. Bob Davis. What began as a passion for understanding the reality of non-human intelligence after having his own up close UFO sighting has led him to serve as a board member for FREE - The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research Into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Bob brings such a measure of academic integrity to this subject but with a healthy dose of humility and curiosity. A combination that no doubt will bring us closer to understanding ET contact phenomenon is really all about. Although FREE's primary mission is to develop a more cogent approach to understanding the ET contact dynamic, by way of their study in which they have s

  • Synchronicity and the Other Side

    22/03/2017 Duración: 23min

    When repeated synchronicity occurs with our loved ones who have "crossed over," what does it really say about the existence of heaven? This question may just have an answer that one would not expect - That heaven (the way we "imagine" it to be) may not exist. I'm throwing out a couple of teasers in hopes that you will listen in its entirety to this most beautiful episode of Conscious Commentary and toward the end of the show you'll know exactly where I'm going with this. But first, a little preface... Sawsan Galal, a long-time family friend of mine was kind enough to share with us her own synchronicity stories, all having to do with the two loves of her life: her beloved husband and father, both of whom now occupy a space we call "the other side." I was simply stunned when Sawsan shared with me her most recent synchronicity which happened early last month while vacationing in Costa Rica - a place that her husband had longed to visit for many years, but never managed to make it. Or did he? Talk about rece

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