
Task Management 8/8



Actioning your tasks Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: By blocking time on the calendar to do a task, without interruption, it is possible to do the task with greater efficiency. It might also stop you from mindlessly accepting calendar invites to fill the time. However, it’s best not to block out your entire day - it’s worth having some cushion time in your calendar for overruns or unanticipated tasks and challenges that arise. Having a ‘done list’ which lists all accomplishments and tasks you have completed, and not just the tasks on your list, can help boost your energy. That brings us to the end of our series on task management. Capturing, Defining, Sorting, Reviewing and now finally Actioning. Don’t forget, following the system explicitly is what will offer the true value and keeping a routine will make it easier. Best of luck with it.