
Effective Delegation 5/8



Handing it over Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: Delegating a task tends to be a bit of a balancing act. If you offer too little guidance or clarity, it makes it harder for them to successfully complete the task. Telling someone to do something and then just walking away, leaving them to get on with it is delegating… it just often tends to be ineffective because of the lack of oversight and support. However, too much guidance and instruction can come across as painful micromanaging - one of the least wanted traits in a leader. So you want to try and strike a balance between the two; asserting the right information and asking the right questions. Try to arrange the handover as early as you can - that way, the other person has as much time as possible to prepare for and complete the task, reducing the pressure on them. Your activity for today is to spend a few minutes preparing for your handover meeting