
Storylining In Business 6/9



Structuring your Messages Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: Storylining structure is how your messages tie together and flow from start to finish. The structure you want to use will depend on the content of your messages, your audience, the story’s goals and your own style. A common business storylining structure is called SCR, which is an acronym for Situation, Complication, Resolution. - The situation is the context; - The complication is the problem that has arisen; and - The resolution is the answer to that problem. Imagine how your audience would react to each of your messages as you go through them in sequence. - Would they react positively or negatively? - Would they want to hear more, or cut you off? - Would they have a question which might interrupt your flow? By imagining how your audience might react, you can re-structure your storyline to make it more conducive to your specific audience. Gre