
Storylining In Business 5/9



Creating your Messages Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: You need 5-10 key messages that will form the backbone of your storyline and lay the foundation for everything else you want to say. Initially, don’t worry about their order or their precise wording, just write down the the first 5-10 bullet points that come to mind as the most important points you would want to make to your specific audience. Try to ensure your messages are appropriately synthesised - If you can imagine your audience asking you the question “so what” in response to you saying one of your messages then identify how you’d answer them and use that as your message instead. Next, run through each message, checking to see whether it needs to be supported. If you’re asserting a conclusion, you need to ask yourself whether it requires facts or insights to be shared in order to back it up. Next, read through your points again removing any s