
Storylining In Business 3/9



Setting your Goals Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: When it comes to defining a Goal for a storyline we suggest being tactical and having specific goals for your specific audience, around the themes of: - “Head” - how do you want them to think? - “Heart” - how do you want them to feel? - “Hands” - what do you want them to do? The clearer you are on what you’re trying to achieve with your storyline, the easier it should be to create the right messages. Defining goals also acts as a very helpful checklist once your story’s been drafted to compare against and confirm whether the story you’ve developed will actually help you achieve them or not. Your task for today is to spend 5-10 minutes thinking about your upcoming presentation or meeting and its audience, in order to determine what you’re trying to achieve. - What are your goals? Write them down. - What do you want your audience to think, to feel, to do?