
Storylining In Business 2/9



How to be a better storyliner Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: If we want to do better, we need to be intentional and apply a structured process that can guide our approach to storylining. In this series we’re going to talk through a structured approach to building storylines, and practice on one that you need to write currently. We’ll be leveraging a framework called “GAME” developed by an expert in the field called Steve Seager, as well as leveraging some techniques used by the pros at the consulting firms. “GAME” stands for: - Goal - what is the objective of your communication? - Audience - what do we know about them that will affect our messages? - Message - what should the content and structure be? - Expression - how should it be delivered? Your task for today is to spend 5 minutes choosing a communication or meeting that you have coming up where you know you’ll need to convince others of something.