
Storylining In Business 1/9



What it means to storyline Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: When you do need to affect someone in someway, then there are few ways to do this more powerfully than with a good story. Your messages, the actual substance of what you’re saying, are crucial to affecting your audience. How you word them and the order in which you deliver them matter just as much as how you deliver them. In the business environment, a storyline would look like a series of bullet point messages, one after the other, which if your audience read from start to finish would not just convey key facts and insights but also their meaning and implications for the audience. The messages also need to be written and sequenced in such a way as to make them clear, coherent and compelling. And it’s crucial to develop this storyline before you start putting together slides or preparing speaker notes for a presentation in order to realise its po