
Sharing Valued Feedback 1/4



Why share feedback? Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: A common wish for many is to receive more actionable feedback from their colleagues. Feedback that will help them improve, help them to develop and also, make them feel valued. If you help others grow through effective feedback, they’re better able to support you and more likely to commit to your shared endeavours. So your task for today is to spend 5 minutes reflecting on this and making a list of: - Who you’re sharing feedback with and how often; and - What kind of feedback you’ve been sharing with them - how actionable is it? Then consider: - Who else you ought to be sharing feedback with? You should be sharing it with anyone you value and have meaningful interactions with. - Whether you should be sharing more often? It should be regular and frequent enough to help them learn. - Whether you’re giving them the feedback they need to improve? It should