
Receiving Helpful Feedback 3/4



How to ready yourself for feedback Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: You can affect the feedback offered to you by: - How you request it; - How you support preparations; - Your mindset going into the discussion and the associated behaviours you exhibit; - The questions you ask; and - How you wrap-up the session. Request feedback by being specific about what you want from the other person, both in terms of topics and in terms of style. Support preparations through helpful suggestions: - Schedule the session into both of your calendars, mutually agreeing a time and date that doesn’t put them under pressure and affords them time to prepare; - Consider how long you’ll need together and discuss this with them - enough time not to feel rushed but not so long as to feel like a burden; - Suggest a safe space - somewhere they feel comfortable confiding in you without being overheard or where they may have to pause d