Radical With David Platt

Free in Christ



Regardless of how many times you’ve heard the gospel, every Christian needs to be reminded of how God’s grace relates to our faith and our obedience. We tend to believe we can earn God’s favor by keeping his law, on the one hand, or else we abuse his grace by using it as an excuse to live how we want. In this message from Galatians 3, David Platt helps us understand the relationship between God’s grace and God’s law. The gospel reminds us that Christ has obeyed the law in our place and died to take the punishment we deserve. Therefore, the blessing of God comes to us freely by grace through faith.Your gift to Radical today will allow us to continue calling Christians to leverage every part of their life for the sake of making Christ known around the world. Together, we can be a part of reaching people in places where Christ is not yet known. Would you consider making a year-end gift today?