Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Yvette Steel - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion



Host Karl catches up with Yvette Steele. Yvette Steele is a global diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leader building inclusive and equitable workplaces one employee at a time. Her belief that “inclusion is everybody’s job that anybody can do” was the catalyst of the book “Impactful Inclusion Toolkit: 52 Activities to Help You Learn and Practice Inclusion Everyday in the Workplace.”  Since entering the workforce in the late 1980’s, she was frequently the only African American woman on the team or one of a few where bias, sexism, racism and prejudice were served daily making it impossible to consistently perform at peak levels. Decades later, these issues persist with the same intensity where many continue to be disempowered in their efforts to maximize potential.  In this time of increased awareness of unfair systems and practices plaguing people of color, individuals with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and others, her book provides the roadmap to acquire the skills needed to create cultures of equity