Alliance Aces

42: 3 Benefits of Co-Innovation w/ Sven Denecken



The desired outcome of any alliance is for companies to come together and make each other better together. Co-innovation is one of the ways to make this magic happen. Sven Denecken is the SVP and Head of Product Management & Co-Innovation S/4HANA at SAP SE, and he is an expert in all things co-innovation.  His job is all about balancing the needs of customers and partners to keep both happy and he’s accomplished much of this through co-innovating with SAP. As a product manager, he needs to stay focused and automate many different functions that his team used to be involved with every single day.  Co-innovating around these projects with his partner helps his team stay limber, build for the future, and most importantly, satisfy the needs of their joint customers. Sven lives at the intersection of people, purpose, and technology. He loves to take tech and help create different beneficial outcomes for his clients.  This is what makes his job as a product manager so exciting: It’s not just about products, it’