Maribor Is The Future




During Drugajanje festival we sat down with author of the performance Margarete, Janek Turkowski. In 2008 on some flea market on north Germany, he discovered 64 reels of 8 mm celluloid and they were all recordings of the same women, Margarete Ruhbe. Turkowski took time to investigate her life and now he is telling us her story and showing the tapes. Performance is a mixture of genres, interwinement od global and intimate and the line between those two. The discussion in English was moderated by Alja Lobnik and Nika Švab, sound was designed by Boštjan Eržen. SLO: Med Drugajanjem smo si po ogledu predstave Margarete vzeli čas za pogovor z Janekom Turkowskim, ki je leta 2008 na bolšjem sejmu na severu Nemčije odkril 64 kolutov 8 mm filmskega traku; vsi koluti so bili posnetki iste ženske, Margarete Ruhbe. Raziskal je njeno življenje in del njenega življenja pripoveduje med ogledom posnetkov. Je preplet med intimnim in globalnim, pa tudi javnim in zasebnim, kje je meja in kje javno objavljanje postane vdor