Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Episode 182 : Breaking the Cycle of Money Shame with Samantha Varner



Today’s guest is Samantha Varner, a Canadian hanging out in Texas, loving the sunshine, missing snow and teaching women how to be badass entrepreneurs! She spends her non-coaching hours devouring books, podcasts and drinking all the coffee ;) and a little wine...   With more than 10 years of experience in the financial field, her Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation and years of public relations & marketing  training under her belt, she talks business strategy, confidence and mindset so you create PROFIT.    Sam is a straight talking, no bullshit kinda gal. She has four not so tiny humans who are getting bigger by the second, Zane the dog who keeps her company in her home office and a childhood sweetheart for a husband. Samantha and I talk about:  - What is money shame and how it stops women from making tons of money  - Why women hesitate to ask for the money they deserve for their knowledge/talent/ skill  - How to start shifting your mindset to that of making lots of money in your business  - A