Inspirational Leaders

Stellar X - 3. Naomi Armitage - The Ripple Effect of Healthy Workplaces



01.50 - Introduction to the opportunity to improve well-being through work. 02.22 - Work can make you well, and moderate the bad stuff that is happening at home. If you can come to work and it makes you feel part of a team, to feel like you have a vision, and purpose and that you have support then it can be powerful and can impact you in a positive way. 03.00 - Sometimes work makes us sick, it causes us to be unwell. We shouldn't be paid to go somewhere that makes us sick. When work makes us sick, it creeps into our house, our relationships and our sleep. 05.30 - Work can make us well and work can help us with our world outside of it. 08.00 - We need to look at what is making the fish bowl dirty. Start to look at the water to see what is making us sick. If we can start to make it clean and make people well.Cleaning the water is tough and it takes time and effort, but it is worth it. 09.10 - Give people purpose, and connect them with the values to create the right framework. The other key piece that helps that