Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple

Self-Harm In Teens ft. Dr. Blaise Aguirre, MD



*Content Warning: This episode contains segments of discussion that may be difficult for some audience members to hear. Content such as descriptions of self-harm methods are included.Self-harm is a rising mental health concern that tends to begin in the teenage years. But what are some of the causes and what can we do to help our kids who are struggling? In this episode, very special guest Dr. Blaise Aguirre of McLean Hospital joins Gene and Khadijah to unpack why some kids engage in self-injury, what some of the warning signs are to look out for, and what parents can do at home to manage if their child is self-harming.Media ListFollow along with the conversation.Blaise Aguirre, MD (McLean Hospital)3East Continuum of Care (McLean Hospital)Dialectical Behavior Therapy – DBT (Cleveland Clinic)'DBT For Dummies' Offers Insights On Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (MSNBC)Brain Changes Found in Self-Injuring Teen Girls (Ohio State University News)Children Who Cut Themselves (MGH Clay Center)Borderline Personality Dis