
SITB 215 feat. Maddy O'Neal (Producer/DJ)



We have an amazing episode for you today and it features a very special artist who has had a MASSIVE year! It is my honor to have the one and only Maddy O'Neal as my guest for episode 215. Maddy and I have been trying to line this up for awhile and I'm so glad we finally made it happen. In episode 215 we discussed: -Gratitude - Past, Present and Future: Something I've been thinking a lot about is practicing self-gratitude and I wanted to get Maddy's take on what she is grateful and proud of from her past, present and future. This opened up a much bigger discussion on how she mentally and physically manages her life as a touring artist. I know this portion of the interview will resonate with so many people - Thanks for sharing so much Maddy! -Relationship with Music: Maddy has described her music as "dirty funk bass music but make it pretty" and I think anyone that is so poetically raw when describing their music is connected to it more than the average person. For an artist like Maddy, music is so much