Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

The '3 Hour Work Week' Hack To Unlocking Exponential Income In Your Business



In this solo episode, we break down how we went from working around the clock with this exhausting hustle mindset...to a freedom mindset and bought back our time--and our life! Quotes From Episode - “We were in Bali. We couldn't get Chick-Fil-A” - Jamie Don’t Miss: 04:14 What is the difference between Gary Vee’s approach to content with our own?08:37 We introduce the concept of exponential income using podcasting15:32 We reveal how to buy back your time23:00 Getting you to visualize the simplicity of this powerful solution28:25 We reveal the secrets behind our Podcast Profit Lab Program37:30 Find out about our free give away Links Mentioned in Episode  https://www.podcastprofitlab.co/ppl-initiate-checkout (>>>Come and join the Podcast Profit Lab to launch your show in just 28 days) Connect With Us  Make sure to subscribe to the show, we release a new episode every Tuesday at 9am EST.  Subscribe to the Changemakers Calendar (and get a sneak preview of upcoming episodes and events) http://www.changemakersmovem