Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

The Pop-Up Podcast Method That Generated 5X Return on Ad Spend (and a lot of backend sales) With Emily Hirsh



In this episode we interview Emily Hirsh about Facebook ads, pop-up podcasting and how to use them to boost your businesses revenue. Emily Hirsh Is the creator and leader of Hirsh Marketing.  Specialising in funnels, Facebook and Instagram ads, Hirsh Marketing has handled over $24 million in ad spend and has generated over $92 million in revenue for their clients. Quotes From Episode  “I’m going to go all in on the podcast series, for free, and you can take what I have” Emily   Don’t Miss: 06.37 Emily reveals the effectiveness of self-liquidating offers  07.52 Find out exactly what a pop-up podcast is 12.24 Why was podcasting so profitable for Emily’s audience? 14.02 Discover the nitty gritty of how to get a pop-up podcast out to the people 19.29 Is Emily actively encouraging her clients to do a podcast? 30.35 What was Emily’s biggest take away from the whole experience?   Wanna launch your own Pop-Up Podcast? Go from idea to launch in 5 days with our Pop-Up Podcast $1,997 course.  https://www.changemakersmov