Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 284: Syrita Steib - A Renegade’s Race to The Senate



Renegade graduate Syrita Steib is running for US Senate in the state of Louisiana. If elected, she will be the first black women to ever hold that position. Her story is remarkable. She grew up in a small rural town surrounded by sugar cane, spent 10 years in prison and has successfully created, and passed, legislation that is changing the narrative for many people. In this discussion with Amy Jo, Syrita talks about her trauma that led her to prison and the moments since that have motivated her down the current path she is on. She details the lack of access to bare necessities she faced after incarceration. Syrita has taken Renegade Rule #3 (turn adversity into an asset) to a whole new level as she has leveraged adversity over and over again. Syrita has always been a fighter and her mindset is that the only way is forward. Syrita’s resilience and fierce commitment to doing what she sets out to do is apparent. She has started the non profit, Operation Restoration, passed Louisiana Act 276 which banned a bo