York Story Slam

Father Knows Best



Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania. On June 21, eight storytellers shared their stories with our audience for our virtual slam. The theme for our June story slam was FATHER KNOWS BEST. We heard stories about lessons learned, thoughtful kindness bestowed, and generational differences. In the end, our winner was first-time storyteller Ryan Roe, with his story about playing in the elementary school band with his dad. Ryan earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Tony Crocamo, with the story of the first time he shaved. Our final story on this month’s podcast comes another first-time storyteller, Emily Golihew, who shared her story of her relationship with her father. All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return in November to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York. Updates on our upcoming events and tickets for purchase are available on our website, Yo