Lattes With Leia

Lattes with Leia #25: Good and Evil in the Galaxy



In The Force Awakens, Maz Kanata talked about there only being one fight: the fight against the dark side. How did The Last Jedi change that? Did it change anything? In the latest Lattes with Leia, we discuss the state of good and evil in the galaxy after the film, as well as how we categorize characters' actions as good or evil. We also talk about The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary and Chewie and the Porgs. Stormtrooper decanter from Shepperton Design Studios The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary Chewie and the Porgs The Star Wars Show: The Last Jedi secrets Star Wars Rebels midseason trailer Follow Amy on Twitter: @amy_geek Follow Andrea on Twitter: @ArkhamAsylumDoc Share your thoughts about the state of good and evil in the universe with us. Contact Lattes with Leia: Follow Lattes with Leia on Twitter and be sure to let us know what you think of the show. Please subscribe to Lattes with Leia on iTunes and leave us a review!