Bang The Table Pty Ltd

THE UK CONSULT | Episode 4: Leadership, Fan Engagement, And Zoom Fatigue



How does organisational leadership effect community participation, fan outreach, and the success of local projects and sports clubs? With football season kicking off soon, we explore how Fan Engagement is different than general sales and marketing, and what that means for sports organisations. Learn how positive and bold approaches from leadership within the organisation lead to less commercialised outreach, and puts more emphasis on involving fans in improving the program, as well as its impact on community. We also discuss barriers of change and the unique opportunity we have right now to create a better public consultation experience for our communities. As lockdown has changed the way we communicate with each other, a hot topic recently is the idea and genuine experience of Zoom fatigue. As Councils move their public meetings online, we share reasons why effective public consultation is not a Zoom meeting. Projects to Watch: See how these two Councils are conducting effective and inclusive community