Impact Makers Podcast With Jennifer Mcclure

063: Defining Return on Workforce Investment in the Future of Work with Dr. Alexander Alonso



Recently, there has been a significant drop in leadership engagement levels, and leaders have now begun to feel the effects of everyone's struggles during the pandemic.  There's also a new phenomenon called "quiet quitting," and a recent poll suggests that leaders are much more likely to engage in quiet quitting than their actual workers. They are showing signs of fatigue without any kind of recognition or remuneration for what they've done to lead others. Now, how does this impact the future of work? And what can the leaders of leaders do to help mitigate quiet quitting?  In this episode, Dr. Alexander Alonso, the Chief Knowledge Officer for the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), shares some valuable insights into reinventing the future of work by focusing on the acronym GESHWI. Find out what has changed in terms of how workers are viewing the workplace over the last couple of years and how you, as a leader, can align yourself with what the world of work and workers are looking for. In his role, A