Dare To Dream Bigger

From Liver Failure To London Marathon In Under 3 Years: Dare To Dream Bigger Interview With Heather Bestel [DTDB045]



Have you ever found your excuses getting in the way? The fear of failure stopping you from starting? Then you need to hear today's interview with Heather Bestel, founder of Mum's Got A Business and The Happiness Garden. She's sharing with you the 'inside work' she had to do to go from liver failure and surgery to completing the London Marathon, just 3 years later. And she'll explain how you can apply what she learned to your Passionate World-Changer journey. This episode is for you if you've ever had a goal that you were dreaming of doing, but you were getting in your own way, secretly self-sabotaging, feeling scared you couldn't manage it and you need the courage and determination to see it through and make it happen. [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-045.mp3" title="From Liver Failure To London Marathon In Under 3 Years - Interview With Heather Bestel" social_linkedin="true" social_email="true" tweet_text="From liver failure to London marathon in und