Dare To Dream Bigger

When Did Talking About Entrepreneurial Fear Become Taboo? [DTDB051]



Entrepreneurial fear - the fear of taking inspired action towards our dreams - it's what keeps us stuck, dreaming big, but playing small. So why are so many of the Big Names in the business world telling us it doesn't exist - or that we're somehow weak or not cut out for running a business, if we feel it? Isn't it time to ditch the taboo about this elephant in the room? Today's episode of the Dare to Dream Bigger podcast is perfect for you if you have ever felt secretly scared, particularly if you felt you couldn't talk about it. And I share with you how to adapt my ABC process to mean you no longer have to feel the fear and do it anyway.     Tweetable   Is entrepreneurial fear a 'thing' for you? Work with me on entrepreneurial fear and imposter syndrome Chapters 2 & 3 of Dare to Dream Bigger Author Mastermind - November 2018 Article: Imposter Syndrome - Why It's Not All In Your Head   I'd love to hear from you! Do you think too many of our gurus are pretending that