Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 136: Matt Hudson, CEO and Founder of Bildit



    Today we welcome Matt Hudson, founder and CEO of Bildit (pronounced Build It), to the podcast.  Bildit has created a “rapid mobile app development platform for ecommerce brands”.  It’s a concept Matt has had for quite some time and it’s really excited to see him bring it to life. After spending years helping Belk build their mobile app and experience for their shoppers, Matt became acutely aware of the issues companies face when they are trying to deliver content and a shopping experience.  So as any good entrepreneur would do, he left Belk to create the business that could solve the problem for so many other ecommerce companies.  And he’s built a team around him that is ready to pounce on the opportunity ahead of them.  They’ve got a team of 12 at the moment and with their current capital raise they are going to staff up as they start their growth phase. We had a fun time with our interview as we discussed a number of topics.  One area where I thought there was tremendous value for listeners is where