Be Amplified

Mira Joleigh {on quarter life crisis}



This week we dive into what it looks like to have a quarter life crisis. This phenomenon is affecting an increasing number of people and forcing us to really re-evaluate who we are and what we do in the world. So if it's inevitable, how do we navigate it with grace? We invite on quarter life crisis expert Mira to share her story and dive into how to own your story and find who you are meant to be. About The Guest Mira Joleigh, CPC helps millennial women find their passion, rock their confidence and get paid to do what they love. Find her wisdom in the new book "A Woman's Guide To Sisterhood." Mira serves her clients through the dynamic #Ambitionista online community and through her signature mentorship program #YearOfMassiveAction. Mira is passionate about feminism, social justice and LGBTQ equality. She's is inspired by celebrities Rupaul, Tyra Banks, Angelina Jolie and Lady Gaga for fearlessly chasing their dreams, owning their truth and giving back to their communities. Top Three Takeaways Look for ways