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Rikke Hansen {on being unapologetically you}



The world needs all of you, not a smaller, approved version of you. So let's talk about being unapologetic. And what you can do be more of who you are. We are joined by Rikke Hansen as she shares her wisdom on being unapologetic, career transitions, and how to be more flexible in your life. ABOUT GUEST Rikke Hansen ( helps career changers and entrepreneurs overcome overwhelm, nail down their best options and as a result (re) design their ideal first or next business or career transition. Having personally advised over 600 private clients since establishing her transition consultancy back in 2005 (and thousands more via talks, workshops, videos and online programmes), she is recognised globally for offering the practical know-how, frank advice and proven strategies required for making your career or business transition happen Top Three Takeaways Don't let your own opinions of who you are stop you from stepping into what you could be. What parts of yourself are you apologizing for? That's an indicati