The Wicked Library

TPC 105: “The Big Easy as the Crow Flies, Part 1”, by Aaron Vlek



Fresh off his adventure with Victoria and his meet-up with the shade of Mama Cartwright, Frank is sent on a new Caper – the mission everything has been leading to. Join Frank as he’s sent back to his old stomping grounds in New Orleans and into the Lion’s Den. Editors: Daniel Foytik and Nelson W. PylesCreditsAuthor: Aaron VlekCast: Frank Enfield: Daniel Foytik | The Librarian: Nelson W. Pyles | Martine / Veronique: Erika Sanderson | The Crows / Geezers: Daniel Foytik | Maurice: Nelson W. PylesMusic and Score: “The Private Collector Theme” Nico Vettese ( Nico Vettese, of We Talk of DreamsEditors: Daniel Foytik and Nelson W. Pyles.Host / Producer / Showrunner: Daniel Foytik | Executive Producers: Aaron Vlek, Nelson W. Pyles Final mix: Daniel Foytik, 9th Story Studios: www.9thstory.comThe Private Collector was created by Aaron Vlek and Daniel Foytik, based on the character “The Librarian” created by Nelson W. Pyles.© 2018, 9th Story Studios, All Rights Reserved