Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Susan Manewich: The GREAT Juxtaposition – Reset or Awakening? A Contactee’s Perspective



Contactee, author, and consciousness researcher Susan Manewich joins Higher Journeys to share her perspective on what’s happening on the planet and the larger cosmos right now. After an ominous “dream” Susan had in 2020 which eerily foretold some of the world changing events that were to come, she set out on a course to unravel a complex and history changing puzzle but from the perspective of someone who’s had lifelong contact with non-human intelligence (ET). Are the changes we’re experiencing pointing us to a planned reality that some want to see happen or will we utilize the larger planetary changes as a means to awaken to a more positive and empowering future for mankind? Will constant world crisis, teaming with fear and division rule our future or will we use our emotional intelligence to navigate away from the limited perspectives set before us by a tiny few? Has the presence of upheaval both on the ground and “in the heavens” been skillfully placed alongside one another to actually crack op