Paul And Rach | A Show Hosted By Two Ex-radio Co-hosts Where Nothing Is Off-limits

Ep9: Miranda Kerr's Case Of TMI, What It Means To Be Unhelpfully Fat And Is The Lego Movie The Work Of The Devil?



In episode nine of 'Paul and Rach', Paul Murray and Rachel Corbett talk about why Miranda Kerr's same-sex revelation is boring, why flying with no checked baggage makes you feel important and what it means to be unhelpfully fat.  Paulie reveals the secrets of the 24 hour gym, how you can pretend you're working harder than you really are and the embarrassment of asking for a seatbelt extension on an aeroplane.  They discuss falling in love at 30,000ft, why Lara Bingle needs to stop tweeting, why men are obsessed with flexible women and the fact that Rachel wants to perform on her local pedestrian crossing.  They chat about Rach's decision to use matches instead of air freshener, the ridiculous things news websites are using as click bait, why the new Lego movie may be the work of the devil, the douchey world of 'mixology', Wrestlemania 30 and as always bring the show home with 'Rach's Story Time'.