Paul And Rach | A Show Hosted By Two Ex-radio Co-hosts Where Nothing Is Off-limits

Ep17: Drooling On Strangers, Sexist Bike Helmets And Rach's One Degree Of Separation To Quentin Tarantino



In episode seventeen of 'Paul and Rach', Paul Murray and Rachel Corbett discuss Rach's theory that quinoa is the solution to jet lag, why people have difficulty with analogue watches, Paulie's secret retail talent and why shop assistants are still telling us we look amazing when we know they're lying.  They talk about how no one needs to say 'www' anymore, women who name their private parts, what happens if you jump off the Eiffel Tower wearing only a coat and Rach finds out she has one degree of separation to Quentin Tarantino.  They talk about how leggings are not pants, why sitting next to Rach on a plane could end in death, sexist bike helmets and why anyone cares about VPL.  As always, they finish up with 'Rach's Story Time'.