Paul And Rach | A Show Hosted By Two Ex-radio Co-hosts Where Nothing Is Off-limits

Ep36: Getting Recognised At The Strippers, The BS Of The Melbourne Cup And Andre Rieu Pops In For A Chat



In episode thirty-six of 'Paul and Rach', Paul Murray and Rachel Corbett talk about what happens when a fat kid sprains his ankle, Rach's Wild Wild West adventure, WTF is with skeleton keys and the time Paulie got recognised at the strippers.  They discuss the BS of Melbourne Cup Day, women who have paintings of themselves in their home, what Paulie's wife found on his phone and Andre Rieu pops in to be asked some crappy interview questions.  They chat about how market stalls are the new Tinder, the sad state of affairs that is Rach's pantry, how vitamins work and Regional Radio Man takes over Story Time.