Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Exodus 14 "Who is God?" Part 1



In all of this uncertainty, Jesus, is the same yesterday, today and forever. In this season, or any season. God is relational and wants to have a relationship with us. The nation of Israel, over 2 million in number, strategically are cornered with their backs against the Red Sea as Pharaoh’s army and chariots approach. At times, we find ourselves in a dead end. It is important to learn from this study that we need to be faithful. We walk by faith, in trust, step by step. God says you follow Me. While we wait, God is setting something up behind the scenes. Moses is not leading, God is leading and He is in complete control. God is our peace, the peace that passes all understanding.The enemy’s tactics are clear to make us stumble:1. Cause fear2. Pray doubtless prayers motivated by fear3. Cause division4. Desire to go backwardWe serve a miracle working God:1. Walking with God is not without trial2. Camping is not always fun, but it is necessary3. Fear is contagious but faith is more so4. When the enemy comes, rem