Seaside Radio

Seaside Radio Episode Seventeen



It's Episode Seventeen! The second last episode of this long-form audio series!!!   This week's excerpts of audible delights come courtesy of the Social and Anti-Social Media Facilities Group. They have condensed a month's worth of TV, Internet, Spy Cameras, Radio and general gossip in Seaside into 15 minutes of fun, for you and the rest of you.    First up we hear how the “Home Ware Centres” HR department deals with escaped shop assistants and why the “Home for Socially Broken” isn’t like home at all, unless your parents were passive-aggressive types. Those poor shop assistants.   There’s the advertisement for The Responsibilities - a private company dedicated to taking responsibility for anything you have done, provided you are up for paying their reasonable price.   We have a brush with the infamous Seaside Police service who are well known for their upselling and staking out speed spots like parking lots and drive-thrus   Once well-regarded vocalist Sydney Gold manages to sneak into “Do at Ron Rons Music