Inspirational Thoughts

Fall of Halo Infinite



The Fall of Halo is just the beginning of the Fall of the entire AAA gaming market, if they do not correct there ways, there path will be there extinction, and completely trash there credibility in the industry. In over 4 years we have had multiple high budget AAA games come out broken, missing features and flat out lied to the consumers about there game they knew wasn't finished all while charging 70 to $120 for a incomplete game. causing a massive uproar and fall of many big titles who sought money first than to make a good product. Imagine, if you went to a theater, and paid money to see Spiderman no way home, and half way through the film all the special effects stopped as they weren't finished, you would be pissed right? of course, you paid money to see a movie that was complete. Same goes to all entertainment, so why is it that the gaming industry is held to a different standard? Enjoy our podcast and want to support us in a more fashionable way, head on over to for fantastic Clot