88.5 Wfdd - Carolina Curious

Carolina Curious: What are the mental health resources for Spanish-speaking communities in North Carolina?



Camila Pulgar Guzmán, a researcher and licensed therapist based in Winston-Salem, has been wondering for a long time about the mental health resources available for the Spanish-speaking community. EILEEN RODRIGUEZ/WFDD Finding a mental health provider can be a fairly complicated process. The pandemic has exacerbated the need for many. Yet some people may not have the means or information available to them in their native language to access this information. For this episode of Carolina Curious, we answer this question from listener Camila Pulgar Guzmán: What does the landscape for mental health aid look like for bilingual Spanish-speaking immigrants in North Carolina?  "I'm an immigrant from Chile. I was born and raised in Chile, but I lived in North Carolina for about 15 years," explains Pulgar Guzmán.  Pulgar Guzmán is not a disinterested party regarding the issue. She’s a licensed therapist based in Winston-Salem who works closely with the Latino community. In the field, she often s