Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Chase Doelling - Consolidating IT in SMB



Host Karl chats with Chase of JumpCloud. Chase Doelling is the Principal Strategist at cloud directory platform provider JumpCloud, where he leads the team in creating partnerships that enhance and secure digital identities. He has been working in venture-backed startups across security, integration, and DevOps for the last decade. JumpCloud offers a directory platform, specifically for SMBs and MSPs, that consolidates IT management and secures employees' access to IT resources (devices, applications, servers, networks, and more). Chase can discuss how SMBs and MSPs can leverage JumpCloud to simplify their IT environment, cut IT costs without sacrificing security, and centralize user identity so it's easy both for the admin to manage, and for the end user to navigate. The full-featured JumpCloud Directory Platform is available, for free, for any organization for up to ten users. One partner found that JumpCloud's cost saved them 80% on IT management.  Also, twice a year, JumpCloud surveys IT teams from SMBs t