Hyde Park United Methodist

Hyde Park At The Movies, Part 5 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // July 24, 2022



In Paul’s classic metaphor of the church as the body of Christ, he reminds believers that each of them are responsible to one another for building each other up. When one suffers, all suffer with them. When one rejoices, all rejoice with them. Often, our society encourages us to think of ourselves individually, with our own uniqueness and special qualities that distinguish us from one another. But even in Paul’s description of spiritual gifts, he reminds us that those gifts are useful only in the context of community, when each person does their part. Encanto is a film about a family who, on the surface, seems remarkable because of the enchanting qualities of each of its members. But deep down, we discover that they are as dysfunctional as the rest of our families are, with their own secrets and skeletons. In the end, they discover that mutual love for each other, not outwardly remarkable abilities, is what makes them special.