Get Fit With Jodelle

Morley Robbins - Fix Fatigue, Magnesium, Copper, & VITAMIN D



If I could put on my voicemail, stop the gluten and pUFAs, take magnesium, get out from behind your rectangle and get sunlight daily and call me if nothing changes I think I would be out of business ....because I believe so strongly in the power of magnesium and sunlight! So to that affect I had to bring on the "Magnesium Man" himself.... Morley Robbins! Morley is someone I consider a thought leader and expert on magnesium's role in the body, and also brilliantly is bringing the importance of minerals to the masses with specific emphasis on copper and iron metabolism, but even more, he like my myself is fixated on the “why” when dealing with my clients .... aka the root cause....that why I am so drawn to him. This will be one of those podcasts you will want to listen to again and again and refer back to so grab a notepad and get ready to learn from this highly educated man. Morley Robbins is the creator and founder of The Root Cause Protocol which you will find the looks to below, and his new book "C