In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Medical fears preventing sexual health care in men



I love Dr. Denise’s focus on restoring quality of life and normalizing that there’s no normal in sexual function and desires for men. Instead of a disease-centered approach that puts a diagnosis in the spotlight, focusing on getting back to enjoying life with a personal approach. Dr. Denise Asafu-Adjei is a urologist with subspecialty training in sexual dysfunction and male infertility. She completed a Fellowship in Andrology at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). She will be joining the Urology Department at Loyola University in Chicago as the Medical Director of Male Reproductive Medicine. We cover topics like: The reason why men don’t seek out healthcare as often as women do Penis-performance and other cultural expectations Ultrasound and traction device therapy for Peyronie's disease When you have a concern, the first step is finding a provider you trust to get reliable and accurate answers to your questions. Men tend to be less proactive in scheduling routine appointments with physicians a