Gay Mass

Kaitlyn Hunt Story



Florida teen fights expulsion and criminal charges for same sex relationship with another studentKaitlyn Hunt made friends with a 14-year old freshman girl when she was 17 and the girls eventually fell in love. Meanwhile, the girls turned 15 and 18 respectively. Now, the younger girl's parents are pressing charges against Kaitlyn in retaliation for "their homosexual behahvior". Even though it was entirely consensual, and their relationship began while they were still both minors, the local authorities in Florida are pressing charges against Kaityln as a sexual predator. Call in and discuss this injustice as we discuss the statutory rape laws throughout the country as well as new laws that are being passed to help prevent this sort of unfair persecution from happening again with consensual sexual relationships between minors and those within a certain age range. See for privacy and opt-out information.